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"I can't tell you my full name. Since I dont trust you. How about we call me Min?", breaking the sentences while speaking, the caller smiled sinfully.

"Min! What do you see around yourself?", the chief softly but with a firm tone, tried questioning again.

"I see darkness. I see people, a lot of people, staring at me with those looks of disgust and anger, that are burrowing holes in my chest. They are laughing at me, at the same time taunting me, for being weak and pathetic."

Yoongi shut his eyes, trying to confirm the boy's words. He focussed all his might to hear if there were any peers around the boy. But, nothing.

All he could hear was vehicles, sirens and the tires wheeling down the lane. Cars, bikes even double-decker buses were audible.

Every vehicle has a different track of noise it makes. Keeping that in mind, yoongi differentiated those sirens and honks.

Min Yoongi had now confirmed, that the boy isn't in his right state of mind, which makes it more difficult, to proceed with the conversation.

One wrong move could cost the boy's life.

A loud gasp escaped out of the boy's lips, his chest was heaving up and down, trying to control his breaths. The boy was panicking. His breathing rate changed because of a panic attack.

Yoongi instantly spoke up after learning the details.

"Listen, Min! There aren't people around you. There is none. You are alone and are talking to me. Those are just hallucinations. Focus on your breathing, and try again. Tell me, what do you see around yourself, Min?". Yoongi pulled out a sheet of paper writing down all the details that he has got till then.

"I...I...see waters, so deep and dark. It's inviting me yoongi. Its waves are so alluring, I am being pulled towards it. This is the place where most people found their relief hyung. Maybe I might find mine?".

The chief stopped writing when he heard the boy call out his name, call him hyung.

CALL | YOONMIN [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now