mk mk maybe I did go off the deep end this time-

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              { warning)
            **blood shed**

          ( r u i s p o v )

She woke up Than said
"Keep it down while ya?! I'm tryna sleep!"

"Oh...uhm not anymore your coming with me were gonna do something"

She looked confused "what? Like a date?"

"While no, but your coming with me  were going somewhere my master says you have to come"

"What is he muzan?" I quickly covered her mouth

"Don't say his name stupid" but than she mumbled "bitch did you just call me stupid???"

"No" "f#ck you big bully" "ouch that hurt while anyways"

"I don't want to-"

Before I knew it we were at a place that made me want to throw up so bad

"So...rui who's that? A weak demon!?" Some guy said

Laughing, as of the world was ending tomorrow

"Hey asshole you got
something to say about

Me say it to my face will ya!?"

(A/n: someone woke up grumpy)

"Douma leave us alone.."

(A/n: ik ruis a lower thingy whatyacallit but in my au he's a upper moon and ik I should've said this when I first made this fanfition but

In my au, y/n is stronger than muzan or any other demon and her family is naturally strong without the need to eat humans but they sometimes do, for the hack of it I guess)

  (Y/n the most pretty most precious bean on  
        The planet)

This dude is pissing me off, so I held my hand up

Shaped as a gun than said "bang" "bahahah!? What's that gon-" before he could finish his sentence his whole head blew up

And his blood spattered almost every where which is gross,

But it was only me and muzan and that asshole and rui and another dude and lady in there

They kept starring at me with wide eyes "w-w-wha wtf!?!" The lady said shocked  "What?" I replied

I than place my hand straight than sigh before saying "reverse bang"

Which made him come back "w-what type of demon art w-was"

"Can't talk properly aye?" "Shut up!" "I can blow your head off again of you don't stfu"

"Leave me alone!" "Rui?" "Yes" "this is boring and where's my sisters and brothers?"

"Oh? They went with the guy I tried to tear apart"

"Oh! You mean liam?" "Yeah?" "Let's go on a date rui!" I asked

So...hmmm idk

"Ahh? Why?" "Because..idk but come on let's go hang somewhere"

I dragged rui out of muzans home than went to my fav place...

        (After an hour)

We played ran around with each other but it was night so rui wasn't gonna get burnt to death

But after ten minutes I than decided...

"Rui?" "Yeah?" "I think I decided, And I-I-I will date you!"

"Oh okay!!" He than started to carry me

And we went straight and were walking to

A random place??? But on the way me and rui heard a child crying

On the top of they'r lungs, so I went to look and found....

A kid about seven "Hey kid are you lost?"

She/he nodded "Hey? Where's your mommy And daddy sweetheart?"

"Th-ey le-ft me to be e-aten!" 'Oh no they assholes, and the kid

Tics this is bad really bad we can't leave her/him alone.

(A/n: to say one thing of you know ticci toby the creepypasta

Than, while the kid has the same condition as ticci toby)

'The worst part is that, he even understands about that staff, and we gotta take her with us we can't leave her here'

I went right to the girl and picked her up and walked to rui who waited

"Hey rui? Wanna start a family" I said jokingly

"Sur- who's that kid?" "Yeah we having a family now!"

"Hey kid what's your name?" "I-I  do-n't kn-ow wh-at m-my na-me i-is I ca-n't re-ember..."

"No, worries let's give you a name than?"

"Rui what do you think?" "Hmm? A name ahh, how about mayumi?"

"Hmm, that's sounds lovely right?" The child nodded than hugged me tightly

Which warmed my heart for obvious reasons

"While than mayumi your last name for now on is 'mayumi williams'

Sounds good?" She nodded while we walked home to see

         (An hour later)

Something truly disgusting and disturbing I had to block my child's eyes

"Wha-what? M-my no!!! H-honey whatever you do don't open your e-eyes!"

"Wh-y ma-ma?" "Please just don't.."

Of your wondering what we see, we see

(Disturbing words coming up!)

My siblings and Liams body parts removed and they're hearts half eaten

Teeth in a box full of they'r teeth's and they blood on the walls and something written in blood saying

'That's what you get"

'I didn't understand what I did wrong my siblings and a old friend had nothing to do with this!'

"Oh God....I should have left him...yk" "dea-" "don't say that infront of my child!!"

"Says The one who's gone off the deep end"

"Mk mk maybe I have gone off the deep end this time-" "ya think?!"

Sorry I haven't been writing that much chapters on here but yea here ya go!

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