"Worse! It's My Ex."

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Hi. I am sorry, but this idea absolutely could not get out of my head.

This story is exploring the idea of what if Goldie was the Richest Duck in the World and if Scrooge was the shady thief. Basically, their entire lives swapped.

The reason I've turned Goldie Irish is because O'Gilt is actually an Irish surname (And I love Artemis Fowl who is also Irish and a criminal mastermind who is morally grey, but that's not the point [go check out the Artemis Fowl series if you're interested, I promise it will be worth your time]).

Also, lots of Irish slang words used by Goldie here. I'll add a note in brackets so you know what it means!


"So, remind me again, Aunt Goldie, why we are at the Gala for the Flinheart Glomgold Wing of the Natural History Museum instead of staying back at the Manor and watching Ottoman Empire?" Louie sarcastically commented as they entered said museum.

"Yeah! And look at this tacky set-up. Someone is trying waaay too hard. Louie, you were absolutely-" Dewey was about to rant further, but stopped when he saw a waiter standing right beside the door. "I'll have a Virgin Peach Julep in your fanciest glass, thank ya!"

Realizing that his family had wandered further into the exhibit, Dewey ran up to then, holding his drink in his hand. "Couldn't have had that at home, could you?" Louie nudged him with an elbow.

"All these exhibits are just from the times Glomgold lost to you! A pebble from the Lost City of El Dorado? A singed kilt from the Fire Pit of Krakatoa?" Huey criticized as he inspected the various 'artefacts' around the hall.

They finally stopped before a hideous amalgamation of various parts of a dinosaur fossil which the red duckling was furious upon seeing. "And this Glomasaurus Rex is just a random bunch of parts stuck together. Honestly! How could you know it wore a crown?!"

"So, why are we here anyway Aunt Goldie?" Dewey questioned as he took a sip from his Peach Julep. "Dew-li-shi-yus!" He winked as his brothers groaned.

"As upstanding citizens of this city, it is our duty to support Duckburg's cultural institutions." Goldie said, though her expression made it perfectly clear that she would like to be anywhere rather than near Glomgold.

However, she considerably brightened once she spotted the buffet table. "Teriyaki Skewers!" She popped one in her beak. "Mmm, this is good. Eat as much as you can boys! Guess I'll let that langer (idiot) Glomgold off the hook this one time."

Louie suddenly felt an itching urge to itch himself. "Ugh, these custom suits are the worst! I think I'm getting a rash."

"Did you remove the plastic lining from inside the suits? I specifically told yo to do so!" Goldie rolled her eyes. "If work was the bed, you'd sleep on the floor, pup (substitute for lad, an endearment, but can also be used as an insult. Here, it's the former)."

"You never said anything about plastic lining or whatever!" Louie sulked.

"Hey, it's not about the cut of the suit, it's how you wear it." Dewey gestured towards himself as an example. "Take my playfully loose bow-tie. Is he coming? Is he going? Did he party so hard it flew open?"

Louie winced. "I'm not sure the second one applies to you, Dewey."

"Boys!" Goldie tutted and went back to her Skewers. She promptly dropped one on seeing a familiar figure walk through the doors.

The duck commanded attention as he strode into the ballroom as if he owned the place. Tipping his tophat to his fellow attendees, his eyes seemed to be searching for someone in the crowd.

Goldie inhaled sharply. In an instant, the triplets were at her side.

"What is it? A cursed villain?"- Louie
"A villainous curse?"- Dewey
"Um, an-, ugh, man, I hate going third!"- Huey.

"Worse," Goldie replied, still not taking her eyes off the mysterious duck. "It's my ex."

Her greatnephews just stared at her.

"Wait, what?!"


So... What do you think? I do have a lot of fics that need to be completed, but ideas are in my head.

Should I continue this or not? Let me know! PS: I have written quite a bit for a possible chapter already ;)

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