Team Up

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I really wanna get this fic done and over with. I want something of mine atleast to be complete. There will probably be a chapter or two after this, but these are tiny and easy for me to write for you!


"I'll take the pickaxe, locator beacon, 50 feet of rope, a lantern, do you have any waterproof matches?" Goldie asked the dog at the counter.

"Um, yes."

"Good, then I'll have two boxes of those." She said, putting all her supplies in her satchel.

"Won't you need any food?"

"We'll be good. Do you have a small jar of mustard?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'll take that then. And whatever the guy needs." Goldie slapped down some cash on the counter.

"What guy?" The dog asked, looking around his shop.

"Why, that backstabbing- oh!" Goldie trailed off in shock as she spotted Scrooge standing at the doorway, clad in adventuring gear.

"What? Donnae look at me like tha', Gold. If we're gonna get through this, we're gonna have ta trust each otha." He idly twirled a pickaxe around his fingers.

"You wagon!" Goldie smiled, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Now, give me back my half of the map that you stole from my bag."

Scrooge wordlessly pulled out the map from under his red scarf and handed it to her.


"Ladies first." Scrooge exaggeratedly bowed, gesturing for Goldie to go ahead.

She shook her head with a wistful smile, golden curls bouncing in the cold wind.

"Tha Ice Caverns, sure brings back memories, doesnae it, eh Glittergold?"

"No matter how hard I try to forget." She muttered under her breath.

Scrooge suddenly stopped, arm held out to prevent Goldie from walking any further. He threw a small rock on the middle of the floor, triggering a trap. Hundreds of arrows flew by.

"One o' yers?" Scrooge raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, we were different people back then!" Goldie folded her arms. "It was nearly a hundred years ago, you can't blame me for that!"

"Back when ye were still considering a life of crime, eh?"

"That's not the point! I realized my mistakes."

"And you opened mah eyes." Scrooge smirked.

"Gah, I still regret ever meeting you, Scrooge."

"Aw, love you too, darlin." Scrooge smiled wider on seeing Goldie's blush. 

"I hate you."

"Ae know."


"Ya know," Scrooge suddenly began, "You used ta be much more fun. What happened?"

Goldie gave a sigh that seemed to sap the life out of her. "Life, Scroogie."

"Ae heard about Della. Ae'm sorry." Scrooge quietly replied.

"How do you even know about that?! Wait, never mind, you're Scrooge McDuck."

"Ae'm flattered of how highly ya think of me, Gold, but Ae make it a point to keep tabs on mah fami- eh, one minute."

Scrooge grabbed a stick from somewhere and threw it on a bear trap. A loud CLANG echoed through the tunnels.

"Shall we?" He nervously chuckled.

"One of yours." Goldie rolled her eyes before switching topics "Stop trying to change the subject, Scrooge. For all the importance you place on family, it's a surprise that you never visited her kids."

"Hubert, Dewford, an' Llewellyn Duck." Scrooge recited, ticking off his fingers one by one. "Red wears a hat, Blue has good hair, Green is good with schemes. They lived on a houseboat with Donald, before ye took them in. They studied at-"

"Okay, that's enough. No, but seriously, how do you even know all of that?"

"Ae have mah ways." Scrooge mysteriously said. "Ae was always closer to Donald anyways."

"You spoke to him?"

"Of course Ae did! He's me nephew after all." Scrooge said with a fond smile. He didn't notice Goldie look away in shame.

"Okay, we're here." Goldie announced, shining the lamp down a small elevator.

"Looks like there's only enough space for one. Ae'll go first and send it back up ta you." Scrooge said, shrugging off his bagpack and preparing to descend.

"So you can get the jump on me?"

"Fine, ya go down first."

"So you can cut the rope?!"

"Good heavens, calm down Goldie! What da ya suggest then, since yer so paranoid?"

"We go down together."

"Are ya out of yer head? We're two full grown ducks, not wee bairns! We'll never fit in there- and yer not even listening, are ya?" Scrooge pinched the bridge of his beak.

"Scrooge, just do it. How hard can it be?"

They nearly died.


I hope you enjoy these short and sweet chapters as much as I enjoy writing them for you!

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