Long Away: part 1

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Roma Taylor was a smart and lovable man. He grew up in Salem, Mass. He had many friends. He lived in a small house with his mom, dad, and his sister. And he was friendly to all.

The only thing is that he had secrets. In fact, his whole family had secrets. When he was 4 years old, he learned he could do things. Things no one else could do. His mum had similar abilities and told him never to tell a living soul about them. He didn't. He kept it a secret for the longest time. Until the year 1692 came around. This is when a friend of theirs reported that one of her neighbors were practicing witchcraft. It was then, that Roma knew he had to be super careful to not tell anyone. Then his friend, Tim, became badly ill. Everyday he grew worse. Roma hated seeing him like this, pale and skinny, and he knew he could help him. So, he did.

One night, Roma climbed through Tim's window and did his thing. He placed his hand on top of Tim's forehead and closed his eyes. He placed his other hand on Tim's chin and opened his mouth slightly. He blew into it and that was when the door of his room flew open and Tim shot up. Tim's parents came into his room, candle in hand, and stood there and screamed. Tim looked healthier and more alive. He wasn't pale and he had meat on his bones.

"What did you do?" was all that his mother said.

Roma hopped out of his room as fast as he could. He saved his friend. That's all that matters, but did he just kill himself?

The next day, his mother cried. She knew what was going to happen to her son. She knew that if you got caught doing witchcraft, you were going to die. She needed to do something. Her abilities were similar to Roma's but not quite exact. You see, her abilities would be considered dark as she could 'curse' people to be immortal. She sat Roma down and said the words. Roma cursed himself. He didn't want to be immortal, but he didn't want to die.

The next day, Roma was put on trial and was found guilty of witchcraft. They hung him. Winfred, his mother, cried as they burnt the body of her son.

A week later, Winfred found herself back at the burn sight. The same area where her only son was burnt to ashes.

She picked up the ash and placed it in her handkerchief.

That night she gathered all materials to bring her son to life again. As she spun the liquid around the pot, she sung the ancient words that were previously told to her son before the hanging.

Once complete, she took the liquid and brought it outside and poured it on the grass. She took a deep breath before going back inside.

1695. The Salem witch trials have ended about 2 years ago. Winfred and her daughter, Clare, swept the dining room while waiting for the man of the house to come home.

The knock on the door made both of them jump and look at each other. Winfred told Clare to go out the back and pick some of the fruits and vegetables from the small garden.

Winfred slowly opened the door and almost fainted at the sight of her 22 year old son. He was standing there. Right in front of her. Naked.

"Oh dearie me." She pulled the boy in and draped a blanket around his shoulders.

"Mother?" He asked, not quite looking at her nor showing any emotions.

"Yes my son, it is I." She smiled at him before pulling him into a hug which was not returned.

"What is wrong with me?" He asked

"What do you mean my son?"

"I mean, I can't see color....mother I can't see any colors." He didn't have any emotions behind what he said


Years passed, Winfred got old, Michael got old, Clare got old, but Roma stayed the same....at least in looks.

Roma may look the same, but he has at last shown no emotions. Not when his father died, not when his mother died, not when his sister, nieces, nephews, and friends died. There is no emotion in the boy's body.

He lacks the sense to see. Well, he can still see but not in color. Only black and white. His once beautiful blue eyes, slowly turn into a pale blue, then a light gray, until just white.

Years and years go by and suddenly it's the year 2000. Roma has officially been immortal for 305 years. He's learned over time to fake emotions. When he is supposed to be sad, he can muster up some tears, when he is supposed to laugh and be joyful, he'll give a nice chuckle and a teeth filled smile. And when he is supposed to be mad, well, that actually is quite real.

He's found out that the only emotion he actually feels is anger. Anger because it was his fault that he got stuck like this. Anger because of the stupid trial that killed him. Anger because his mother should have just let him die.

He should be dead.

He's tried. Many ways. He's put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger but his body only shot it right back. He slices his wrists but the flesh only knitted itself back together. He drunk poison which made him throw up but that was it. He jumped in front of a bus but he only ended up with a bruise.

Nothing, just nothing will kill him and he's getting sick of it.

Now, you might be asking 'don't people notice?' The answer to that is no. He travels around until he thinks it's safe to go back to Salem. Back to the same old house that he's lived in since 1670.

He's had all different lovers. Asian, African, European, Mexican, Caucasian, you name it. He's never had a committed relationship though. Well, he had once actually.

Her name was Elizabeth Campbell. The most gorgeous girl he had ever met. Her lovely Scottish accent.Her shining eyes that sparkled whenever the sun hit them. Her bouncy grayish curls(although she told him that they were a bright red) that sprung every time she jumped. Her pale complexion. She was perfect.

She was the only one he told his secret to. She made him....happy. She taught him so much. She helped him when he needed it and she never got mad at him when he yelled at her.

They married when Elizabeth was 22, the same age Roger looked. They had a small girl when Elizabeth was 26. The little girl died from an unknown illness when Elizabeth was 33.

Years passed and she got older and Roma stayed the same. Elizabeth had wrinkles all over her face, her hair got gray, actually gray, and she started to forget small things.

At last, Roma still thought that Elizabeth was the most gorgeous person in the world.

But all happiness must come to an end.

When Elizabeth died, Roma felt something. He felt anger, he felt sadness, and for the first time in a very long time, he cried. He sobbed her name and from that point on, he told himself he will never love anyone again, even after the words Elizabeth spoke to him before death.

Not if every time he was going to feel like that. It took him so long to get over her. He didn't have sex for 40 years. He just couldn't.

Anyways, 2000. So much different than anything he's experienced.

He's currently in Hawaii, drinking a fruity cocktail and watching the waves crash against the soft sand. He's planning on going all around North America, then South America, and then going back home to his small cottage like home...maybe in 2016.

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