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Note: I will be trying to make a Chapter or Two at least everyday until this Story is complete, depending on how busy I am! I am glad to see that people are reading this and it makes me proud and happy. Thank you all, hope you guys can enjoy the rest. Also another mention, if you haven't seen, go check out the Artist who made the Banner, the Book Front, AND the AU! They should be on Twitter: @theisolatedvoid. They're so awesome, it would be great if you check them out.

[ Ross's POV ]

Holy crap. They're busting down the door. Holding tightly onto my Machete as I wait. I would tell everyone, ,,Get prepared. We might be able to settle this, and if not, then well, we have to run. And hope to come back to get the stuff. But as of now, go ahead and pack up things the best you can." They do so as Roy and I are just there in the door to hope we van settle these Zombies. The door finally busts down and they're slowly making their way on, I slice a few of their heads off with the Machete and Roy is hitting them with a Nailed Bat. We killed as much as we could, then Robert comes from behind, and hits them with his Crowbar. I smile and snicker and continue slicing them.
With a group of three, this was no problem, but, they kept coming and we couldn't kill them quick enough. We had to leave when we could. Pump and Skid had bags and I would tell them to run, they do and leave the bags behind so Roy, I and Robert could carry them. Roy leaves first and makes sure Skid and Pump are alright. I grab a bag aswell and run off and make sure we were safe. Robert took awhile to come out and it oddly worried me. I would tell them to wait here and go back inside to make sure he is doing alright..

*Possibly Gore/Blood Warning.*
Robert was surrounded by them and he tried killing them with the Crowbar, but it was too slow. I panicked. What do I do?! I would kill off a few zombies with my Machete, slicing off their heads to where they collapse onto the floor, trying to make my way over to Robert, then I hear a huge splatter, like the sound of..blood. I gasp, looking towards Robert. There he was crying and screaming of pain, a Zombie reached him and was biting his arm. That damn zombie even ripped out a whole entire chunk of his arm off, which caused his scream to appear louder. I gasp, and yell out in tears. ,,NO!" Then another lowers to bite his side and that just hurt like hell for me to watch. He shoves them off and he manages to escape, but he was hurt now. I was so scared. He got bitten.
I carry him outside and rest him on the ground. ,,One of you idiots!! I need you to help Robert! He got bitten!" I cried so much and they just stood there and looked at Robert. They didn't know what to do. They were as scared as I had been. I yell at them, ,,Useless!! I'll handle it then." I bandaged up his bitten spots, but I knew it wasn't going to work nor help. It was the best I could do. Robert sits up then he stands up and grunts. ,,I-I'll be okay for now. Thank you. Let's go." We start to walk off with the bags to find somewhere to sleep or to stay at for this time.

Till then I worried so much for him. Just seeing him limping while holding onto the spots where he was harmed and bitten freaks me out. Nothing will happen, right? They're just bites?? Idiot..He took that risk just to kill them when he could have just left so easily and nothing like this would've ever happened.

We find another House and it's empty so we decide to stay there just for now. I walk in and the others follow behind. I turn on the lights and there were a few supplies that we would be able to use. There were beds so we would use or share one. Robert lays down and he grunts silently in pain. I worried so much. I would sit down besides him on the bed he was at. I rub his head and he slowly drifts to sleep. Skid and Pump shared a bed and they were already passed out while hugging eachother. (Not SkidxPump.) I look to Roy and he's sitting up on his bed while sleeping. I would share the bed with Robert and just cry myself to sleep from worry.

[ Robert's POV ]

It was now daytime, and I woke up the last, once again like always. My side was hurting so much, but not as terribly as my damn Arm. Especially when a whole entire piece of my own Flesh was ripped off from last night. There was possibly no way it could feel better. My eye sight was more blurry than usual. It was going dull, and a bit grey. But I was probably just tired, so I get up and leave the Room and check around if there is any Coffee, which there was some already made for me.
,,Afternoon, sleepyhead." Ross silently speaks to me, and I just mumble Good Afternoon back to him. I grab the Cup of Coffee and began to take slow but yet big sips of the Coffee. It was so good.

Later I could feel my energy kicking him and I leave to the Bathroom to wash up my face. I look in the Mirror and to notice my eye was getting infected. I gently gasp and covered it for a moment. I need to cover this as quick as I can. I look around and would see a Patch, putting it around my eye, to where it wasn't visible. I need to say that..it got scratched on the way here. I didn't like lying, but I didn't want my own buddies to worry, and I didn't want to tell them I was infected.

I leave the bathroom, and look at Roy and just annoy him by patting his head. ,,Ah, screw off, tall man." He hisses at me and I chuckle. I would then go to play with Skid and Pump's hair for a welcome and they both just chuckle. ,,Good afternoon, Robert!" They both say at the exact same timing and I found it funny. I wanted to greet them the best I could. I was turning into one of them slowly and I wanted to spend my last few days with the people who I love. I just smile warmly to greet them the best I can, I can feel the infection spreading through my body and it just truly hurt. I hold onto myself, then that's when Ross worried too much for me.

,,You should probably dtay here where it's safe, man. We can fight off zombies at night but I need you to rest. Okay?" I just nod, pecking his forwhead with a small kiss, and Ross would just smile in return, then I proceed to leave to the Room and go lay back down, I was too weak to even manage to stand up. I lay down on the Bed and look up at the ceiling. Everything hurt so terrible bad, sometimes I did a weird body movement without even meaning to. It was getting worse and I panicked. When they so suddenly leave, I might as well hide myself somewhere safe away to avoid continuing the spread onto them. I sit up and would slowly think. I get up and would look in the Garage, grabbing bars and would try to make a Gate for later. I build it outside and strong enough to where a Zombie won't even be able to bust it down. I add small shading to avoid any sunburn, since I heard they can possibly burn if in the Sun. After I got extremly spooked by Pump.
,,OH M-- H-Hey, kiddo.." He looks at the Cage in concern, then back at me. ,,What is that? Shouldn't you be resting?" I nervously think.
,,I made this for safety purposes, yeah! And I know, I'm going to rest now." I slowly make myself back inside and Pump follows to make sure I do. I lay back down then he leaves, and I close my eyes slowly drifting to sleep. Everything...will be okay. For them atleast.

End of Chapter 3. Sorry for not working on it earlier! But it's here now!
Be patient for the Fourth and see what happens!

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