*The club*

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I walked into the club, my heart thumping furiously as I attempted to swallow my nerves,wondering why I had wanted to come so badly. Music pounded through the speakers and there was a crush of bodies, everyone was either dancing or drinking. I scanned the crowds, searching for my friends. I saw Roisin standing by the bar. She had just gotten a drink. Feeling relieved, I walked over to her

"Hay" I said, sitting down next to her and ordering a large glass of red wine. I wasn't planning on getting drunk, though. I saw Roisin's disapproving look "What? One glass will last me all night"

"That's what I’m worried about" She replied "You should get a small drink and come back for more. If you’re dancing, someone could spike your drink"

"You worry too much!" I said laughing and, only just catching on "And who says I will be doing any dancing?"

 Roisin wise as ever chose to ignore my last comment knowing that persuading me to dance was like moving a massive stone: hard, rewardless and pretty much impossible."No, I am just not naive, like you. This clubs got a reputation" Roisin said, drinking her J2o. She wasn't much of drinker, but I think this was more about her making a point. She didn't want to come here in the first place.

"Why did you come then?" I asked her voicing my thoughts "If its got a 'reputation' " I added sarcastically.

"I can take care of myself but you need someone to look out for you" Roisin said bluntly, then grinning she said "And would you really enjoy a night out alone?"  I was tempted to argue that I could take care of myself but I felt a wave of guilt as I realised she really had only come here for me.

"What about Charlie and Cerys’?" I asked, referring to our other friends who were meant to be joing us. Roisin shook her head.

"Cerys’ left early, she had to visit her Gran but I think she just got nervous when a boy came up to her" Roisin said grinning "Honestly you would have thought he was a lion, the way she acted" Awe poor Cerys I thought smiling in spite of myself.

"What about Charlie?" I asked

"Nope, not seen her. I don't think she's still coming" Roisin said with a slight frown "But it's unlike her to bail out on us"

"Looks like it's just you and me" I said, taking another sip of my wine.

"Not quite" Roisin said, nodding towards a blonde haired boy who was looking at me. I thought I recognised him from somewhere but his face was masked in the dim light of the club. I suddenly wanted to find out who he was but I realised that probably wasn’t a good idea. I didn't even realise I was smiling until Roisin pointed it out.

"Awww! You like him too then?" She teased.

"He doesn't like me! We don’t even know each other!" I said in defence, attempting to hide my blush behind my long brown hair. She looked like she was going to tease me again but I guess I must have looked really embarrassed, as she changed to subject.

"Let's dance!" Roisin said.

"What? No! You know I can't dance!" I protested.

"Come on! It will be a laugh" She said with an encouraging smile. I looked over to where the blonde boy was standing, to find he was smiling and watching me. Self-consciously, I began to drink my wine but stopped when I realised that it was now only half full and let Roisin pull me onto the dance floor.

I felt the wine making me feel warm and relaxed. My nerves melted away. I could do this, one dance that was all I had to do. I began to move with the music and Roisin did the same but we were both dancing badly.

Roisin wacked me in the eye as we danced and someone else trod on my feet but I carried on dancing, regardless. Then the blonde guy walked over to me and my whole body tensed. Panicking I ran back to the bar and finished my drink before Roisin could pull me back onto the dance floor.

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