some delinquent stuff

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                              Dairoku p.o.v
I'm walking around school which i don't do that often. But can you bleam me? Umeji,Hokuto,gaku and Hayanari are not at school because thay are Helping Osoro. I for fuck sake asked if I could help but osoro just said "no it's good you can go to school so we will come then okay darikou?" I just walked away. i hate this she always does this! she always leaves me and does not let me be with them outside of school! I did not notice how long I had walked until I happened to walk into someone. I fall backwards and see that the person runs away but loses something. I look at what it lost and was a bit shocked by what I saw ..... it was a letter with a photo on it. I'm a little uncomfortable because the photo is a picture of me and Hokuto hugging.I do not understand how anyone got that photo because we were alone. I take the letter and I would just open it until I saw that it says in red "Do not open if I did not give it to you, please leave this letter to the address: *************** *** "huh weird I recognize that address.
I checked the address one last time until I heard my phone ring. Who's calling me now? I pick up my phone and see that umeji is calling me. fantastic -_- .
I anwser the call.
-Yes, what do you want meji?

- why do you sound so fucking angry!

- nothing, but what do you want, are you not busy?

- Oh can you skip school and come home to hokuto?

- yes I am coming

- okay, good! see you in about 30 minutes goodbye

I take the letter and put it in my pocket and leave school. I'm going to Hokuto's house. Wait a minute ...... does he not live at this address? I have to be a little crazy right now. Meh whatever. I arrived at Hokuto's house after fucking 30 min my legs are dead. I knocked on the door and after about 3 minutes gaku finally opened the door.

- took you long enough idiot

- hehe ... sorry it took some time me and the others did something important

Gaku and I go in and go upstairs so we're at Hokuto's bedroom. I hear whispers and before I could act so gave gaku me some clothes I do not recognize. I'm trying to ask gaku why he gave me the clothes but he just said to put them on and come in later. I'm very confused.

I go to a bathroom and start changing, when I notice that this is my pajamas! why should i wear my pajamas? but when did he get my pajamas (his pajamas are a dark blue T-shirt and a pair of black pants). so many questions.

I put on my clothes and go into Hokuto's room. I stare in shock. There are gaku, umeji, Hokuto, Hayanari cuddling together all in their pajamas. I watch TV and they watch nightmare before Christmas. I did not see when Hayanari got up and walked up to me.He smiles and takes me by the hand and pulls me towards the bed where everyone else is. He pushes me into bed and gaku lays on my chest while Hayanari lies behind me and starts cuddling me. I'm so emberest so my whole face is red as hell Hokuto places his head against my shoulder and umeji lays his on my other. I would just ask why they cuddle with me but Hayanari kisses me on the forehead and says "chill a little we just wanted to cuddle with you chill bro. I do not understand why. Do they like me or am I just crazy . I hear hokuto mumble something but I do not know what he said. I look at him and he is red on the cheeks. I ask him what he said. Hokuto stares at mine before he whispers in my ear are words I would never hear from him "I like you so damn much and I have wanted to say it for a while but I do not know if you like me too ..." he is so heavenly red in the face so it's a little fun. I just smile at him and he took it like I do not like him and get up get out of bed and leave the room. I get myself up and then follow him down to an empty room. I see him sitting on a sofa and he does not look happy .I sit next to him and cuddle with him on his left side he just snuggles back while I give him a quick kiss on the cheek

- do you like me back or not, he asked red in the face

- I have liked you for about a year and I want you to be my boyfriend if you want

he just nodded his head and said "you know well that umeji and Hayanari are dating" wait huh! "he just kept going" gaku joind them two a few months ago and they want us to join too. Oh..... vill make part to or i will make a book out if this with the delinquents

(Idk i got borde thissle no sens)

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