Who Is That?!?! (part 1)

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Authors note: [ok so this talks about sex demons,Wherewolves,vampires stuff like that ect. So if u don't like it click off😊]

  (It was an ordinary school day untill..)

       *Aizawa walks into the dorms*

Aizawa: "has anyone seen Midoriya and Kamanari?"
Class 1a: "no sir!"
Aizawa: "well help me look around. I need 2 ask them something"
Bakuhoe: "WHY SHOULD I?!?!"
Aizawa: "cause I said so bakugou😑"
*All looking for the 2 troublemakers,Start to look out side and find them dancing in the grass listening to 'Bestfriend' by saweetie*
Todobakukiri mind: 💭hot..💭
Shinsero mind: 💭cute..💭
Class 1a and aizawa *Shooketh*
Izuku: "ok I think we're done for today"
Denki: "aw man😔"
Izuku: "we can dance more tomorrow"
Denki: "ok😊!!"
Izuku: "ow...my tall and wings are cramping.."
Denki: "maybe we should stretch them?"
Izuku: "yea no one is around anyway"
[Little to u know😏]
Izuku *brings out his incubus tail and black angel wings with white tips*
Denki *brings ou his white demon wings and wolf tail*
*Both start stretching*
Izuku: "that feels so much better"
Denki: "yea. Hey remember her majesty wanted 2 talk 2 us today"
Izuku: "oh yea I wonder what she needed?"
(Out of nowhere they hear)
The queen: "I was gonna ask u to babysit☺"
(Izuku and denki turn around fast to see it was the queen her self)
*Both kneel*
Izu and denks: "your majesty"
The queen: "you may rise"
Denki: "so your majesty what do need from us?"
The queen: "well i was gonna ask if you guys could babysit moonlight for me. It's ok if your busy, she just really likes it when you 2 baby sit her"
Moon: "Uncle Zuzu uncle Denks!!"
*She jumps on them hugging them*
Denki: "Hey Moon!!"
Izuku: "we loved to baby sit her but for how long?"
The queen: "for the night. I'll pick her up tomorrow afternoon"
Izuku: "sounds good I think our class will be ok with having a kid the for a day"
The queen: "thank you so much. Normally I would have her siblings do it but it's Aki and Renessmay's first mission today so they cant watch her. But for all your help I'll pay you🤗!!
Denki: "there is no need for payment your majesty"
The queen: "nonsense u deserve it, here"
*gives the a bag*
Izuku: "what's this your majesty?"
The queen: "4 big diamonds. 2 for each the should get you about? 215 million yen each!"
Uraraka mind:💭MONEY!!💭
Denki: "y-your majesty that's why to much!!"
The queen: "no no its fine. Anyway I need 2 go bye moon mama's gotta go love u sweetie"
Moon: "love u to!!!"
(The queen leaves)
Izuku: "well let's go back to our human forms and get some ice cream!!"
Denki and Moon: "YAY!!"

Author: Tbc

Author: hope u liked it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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