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3rd POV:
"Morning everyone!" Pansy said, stepping into the boys dorms. All the boys groaned.

"Go away!" Harry whimpered.
"Nope! Get up!" Pansy said. She pulled the covers off of Harry.
"Pans!" He cried. He pulled the pillow over his head. He felt a body fall on top of his.

"Poor baby Pottah." She teased. He soon felt a little more weight.
"Poor baby." The deep voice of Blaise said.
"I think 'poor baby Potter' cannot breathe. You guys are going to kill him." Draco said. Harry cursed himself for blushing at just the sound of his voice.
"Come on, Dray! He fights evil wizards!" Pansy giggled. Harry groaned.
"Okay, okay! I'm up! Get off, he's right! Your going to commit murder!" Harry wheezed.

"Never! The great Harry Potter is the bi who won't die!" Blaise laughed.

"Come on, you two." Draco said, he soon felt the weight pull off him forcefully.
"Dray!" Pansy whined.
"It's just a bit of fun." Blaise said.
"You heard him, he felt like he was going to die!" Draco said.
"You baby him. Why don't you do me like that?" Blaise pouted.
"Because you'll try to get in my pants." Draco growled.
"Ew." Harry commented, planting his glasses on his face.

"Don't act like you don't want to be in his pants!" Blaise said. Harry turned bright red.

"T-that's pre-preposterous! I- you can't- ugh!" Harry said putting his head in his hands.

"Y'know Draco.... He's still in bed..." Blaise said, a smirk in his tone.
"Blaise, stop." Draco said.
"But it's-" Blaise started.
"Blaise." Draco in a husky, warning tone.

"Potter's such a bottom." Blaise said. Harry looked up, face still red, his mouth dropped.
"Blaise just stop." Pansy said, holding back a laugh.
"Got anything for that, Malfoy?" Blaise asked. Harry looked to Draco for help.
"Sorry." Draco bit his lip.

"I'm not a bottom." Harry said.
"Sure thing, Potter." Blaise said, ruffling his hair.
"Let's get to class, shall we?" Draco said, pulling Harry up.
"Y-yeah." Harry said. Blaise and Pansy shared a glance.
"You can't listen to Blaise." Draco said, patting him on the back.

"Hey, do you want to do some studying before OWLs?" Harry asked.
Draco looked up from his potions book.
"Of course, could always you extra studying time." Draco replied.
"Blaise, Pansy, care to join?" Harry asked, picking up some books.

Draco looked at them with eyes that could kill, not that Harry saw. They seemed to take the hint.

"Studying is sooooo boring! I'm going to stay here." Pansy said.
"Same." Blaise snorted.
"Don't you want to pass, y'know, to go to 6th year?" Harry asked.
"I've studied already." Blaise said.
"Yeah right." Harry rendered.
"We'll I have studied." Pansy said.

Harry rolled his eyes. He wondered if Blaise and Pansy were dating, they always seemed to be ditching Harry and Draco. When they walked out the portrait hole Harry asked about it.

"Are Pansy and Blaise dating?" Harry asked.
"What?! No?!" Draco said.
"They always ditch us. And when they do there either meeting up together or already together." Harry said.
"No, there not dating. Pans would tell me, we're tight." Draco reassured him.

They walked into the empty library.
"I expected at least Hermione would be in here. It seemed everyday she was studying." Harry commented.
"Mmm. Don't worry about her." Draco hummed. They sat directly across from each other but Draco couldn't stand this.

He couldn't stand not talking to Harry,  not being able to grab his hand and kiss his stupid scar and soft hair. It was like an itch he couldn't scratch.

Harry bit the end of his quill, which was already tattered from previous habit of biting it.

It completely captivated him.

Harry looked up.

"You have to read your book, you can't gain knowledge from just watching me." Harry muttered.
"Sorry." Draco said.

Draco opened his book to where he had left off back in the Slytherin common room, but he just could NOT stand it.

He looked up again.

Harry chew his lip, hard, while scribbling extremely fast. Then he looked back to his book and Draco loved his hair falling in his eyelashes and every time he blinked the strands of hair would move until he flicked them out of the way with his hand. He pushed his glasses all the way up to his face with his pointer finger, making him look dorkier than usual. But this last bit was Draco's favorite. Something was obviously troubling him, he grabbed his bottom lip between two of his fingers and pinched and moved them back and forth and pulled slightly.

Harry looked up once more.

"What?" Harry asked.
"It's nothing- you just- never mind." Draco swallowed hard.

Draco cupped his own face in his hand, resting his elbow on the table.
"Is something wrong, Draco?" Harry asked, seemingly nervous.
"No, no, nothings wrong." Draco said. There were a few moments of silence before Draco slammed his book, picked it up, and was halfway out of the library.

Harrys eyes followed Draco. There was movement at the library door. They both looked up.

"Luna?" Harry cocked his head.
"Oh! Did I interrupt something?" Luna asked.
"I'm leaving." Draco said. He practically ran out of the library without all of his stuff. Harry watched him leave, confused if the situation.

"Why is he running?" Luna asked.
"I don't know! He's always so angry." Harry yelled angrily.
"God, everything is so wrong. Can we maybe talk later, Luna? I'm sorry to leave you so soon, but I know I'm a burden." Harry said, Luna took his hand.
"You're never a burden, Harry, I quite like your company." Luna said.
"Thank you, Luna. I'll talk to you later, okay? I promise." Harry said.

He scooped all his things into his bag.
"Goodbye, Harry Potter." She said before Harry rushed out of the library.

"Draco! Stop! Slow down!" Harry said.
Draco stopped speed walking, he was out of breath anyways.
"Whats wrong?" Harry asked.
"Nothing. I don't know. I think I'm just nervous for O.W.L.S, I think."
1022 Words

Party Peopleeeee

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