"MR. CHOI":2

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Beomgyu sprints into the school, disregarding the secretary and countless other staff who reprimanded him on the surprising amount of stains and miss colorations on his uniform. He mindlessly threw his bag into his locker and rushed into his first period class.

"Mr. Choi," Mrs. Jeon dead panned, "Late. Again." A blush covers Beomgyu's face as he plops down into his seat, the chair forming to his comfort. The teacher's eyes lingered on him for a short while longer before she turned back to her digiboard. "Anyways, Let's continue." The professor states.
"Where were you?" Park Dal asks, Turning to Beomgyu with a sour expression. Beomgyu smiles, sparing his best friend a small side glance as if to say, 'You really have to ask?' Dal only scoffs, settling back into his seat.

Beomgyu's smile remained, reminded of the mysterious boy he met at his mother's tree. He hadn't gotten the stranger's name but that cookie was simply delicious. If Beomgyu ever saw the boy again he'd remind himself to ask for another.

"I just really think that you should get to school on time." Dal complains, putting a hand half-heartedly over his mouth to cover up the conversation. Beomgyu only giggled, now looking fully at the boy.

" Why, 'cause I'm the president's son?" He speculates, tilting his head teasingly. Dal's cat-like eyes cut to the board as he absent mindedly wrote down notes.

"Precisely. Or- maybe because your education is important and you should not be saying things like 'cause'. '' Dal bites, brushing his white hair back off his forehead. Beomgyu stifles a laugh, shoulders shaking subtly.

"We're only twelve, Dallie. I wanna live a little." Beomgyu pouts, stretching his arms out over his desk and laying his head on them gently. Dal turned up his nose at the action.

"Yeah, well I would think you of all people would understand what it's like to keep the attention of your parents." He mutters, sucking his teeth as he glared at the digiboard.

Beomgyu threw the device a glance,  groaning internally as he was met with a super complicated looking formula. He didn't even bother to pick up his pen, knowing he could just beg the answers out of Dal later.

"I would suggest you stop calling me 'Dallie', hyung.  It makes you sound like a baby." Dal complained. Beomgyu only rolled his eyes at the younger, picking up his pen and swirling it lazily through his fingers.

"Don't lie to me, I know you love that nickname." Beomgyu teased. Dal scoffed, raking his hand through his hair once again.

"Who's been telling you these fibs," He whined before letting his head turn back to the board, "Now be quiet and pay attention." Beomgyu only sighed, but listened to the younger's guidance.

"I shouldn't have to listen to you, I'm older." He whispered bitterly. If Dal heard him, he didn't show. His signature focused scowl drawn on his face and the pen in his hand scribbling against his note screen.

    Beomgyu found himself back in the forest. Dusk had begun to settle over the crystal leaves, painting the opal-quartz in pinkie-orange hues. The boy sighed, brushing his fingers over the bark, a little seat he had made for himself with some elbow grease and his sister's sword. A sudden bust of wind blew through the boy's hair and a lick of black smoke clouded his peripheral vision.

"Well hello again." He says giddily, turning to face his new friend. A subtle blush covered the pale boy's cheeks.
"Hi." He says meekly, before holding out a small black drawstring pouch.

"Is that what I think it is?" Beomgyu asks, tone rising in anticipation.  The boy nods, jet black hair bobbing softly. Beomgyu giggles in delight, taking the bag and opening it hurriedly. He sighs with contempt as a fluffy, white cookie slides past his lips and melts in his mouth.

"Gpds, these are so good." A slightly deeper lush settles on the shadow's cheeks.

"I'm really glad you like them." He mutters, twiddling his fingers together.

"Too bad you're not like me! You could be a baker." Beomgyu quips as he holds up another cookie from the bunch. This one is shaped like a heart, "It's a shame someone as friendly as you has to go into the military." The boy stiffens at the mention, shivering slightly.

"Yeah, such a shame." His white eyes dart around, an awkward atmosphere surrounding him.

"What's the matter?" Beomgyu's voice is muffled by the heart cookie that he'd stuffed in there only a few moments ago. The stranger shook his head and instead pulled out another bag.

"My name's Kang Tae Hyun." He introduces, disregarding beomgyu's question.

"Choi Beom Gyu! Nice to meet you." Beomgyu smiles brightly and holds out a hand.

Taehyun looks down hesitantly at the gesture then shrugs, taking his new friend's hand in his and shaking them gently, "Likewise."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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