Fucking bullies

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Y/N pov: 

I heard an alarm, "Ughhhhhhh!" I groaned. I sat up in bed and turned it of. I wonder what time it is. I looked at my phones bright screen. "6:30" I read out loud. I got up and walked to my bathroom. I picked up my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. 

Time skip because im a lazy bitch🤧

I grabbed my backpack and put on my shoes. Another day, another tormenter. I walked out of the door and sat down in the bus. Smells like dog shit.

btw your not on a school bus you live right next to a bus stop so the bus your riding looks like this:

btw your not on a school bus you live right next to a bus stop so the bus your riding looks like this:

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I looked behind me. oh there is a dog shiting all over the place. It was my stop. I walked of the bus with other students and we all walked together. that pink haired girl is super pretty...

"Thanks!" she said. oh shit i said that out loud im so embarrassed. My face turned red. "I think your pretty too!" she giggled. I wonder who those other four people are. I walked into my school.

"Hey what's your name?" asked the pink haired girl. "I-Im Y/N" I stumbled. "Mines Betty." she said. Then she winked at me and started walking to her classroom. I went up the stairs and was met by my bestfriend Charlotte! We talked and talked while we were walking to our classes. But we had different classes. So we had to say goodbye. teach me how to say goodbye (hamilton reference) 


I was leaning against my locker drawing at break. Thats when they showed up. "Hey nerd, where's your bestie?" Chad said. "I don't know i don't own her, dont you have her number or something, i should not have to keep your girlfriend on a leash for you." I mumbled. "What did you just say to me!" he said angrily, while smacking my sketchbook out of my hands.

"Do your ears not work of something? I said you have her number why are you yelling at me?" I said picking up my sketchbook. "Ugh, this is the fifth one you've ruined. It has dirt all over it." I said. "Ok." He walked away. But his two friends were still here, and looked like they have a lot of steam to blow of.

timeskip because i dont know how to write people beating up someone.

bettys/rainbows pov:

I was walking to my locker when I saw a crowd, people laughing, and screams. Someone was asking them to stop. That really sounded like the girl I met earlier. I ran to the crowd and saw her with a bloody nose, a black eye, and she looked in pain. I pulled her out of the center of the crowd and brought her to the infirmary. I really hope shes okay.

words: 499

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