Together #6

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Two weeks after Nikky came back home, Nikky was really sad because turns out, Cathy had plans to continue her studies overseas. Nikky had those efforts on coming back home early but ended up on letting Cathy go. Ailey didn't tell Nikky. She wanted Cathy to tell Nikky herself. The night after Nikky comforted Cathy and where all of them took pictures and all, Cathy broke the news to Nikky. Nikky was confused and her face showed that she was so sad and shocked. Ailey felt so bad for Nikky from the start when she came back because she knew on two weeks time, Cathy would be gone.

Since Nikky was studying overseas, Cathy had trouble on letting her go and not to remember her everyday. Cathy decided to further her studies. Two weeks before Nikky came back home, the university where Cathy studied already agreed on flying her overseas. She had to go in order to let her mind off of Nikky. Cathy felt sorry for Ailey to leave her alone like that, but she understands. Even though they live together but they all have their own dreams.

They day where it's not Cathy that has to let go of Nikky, but the vice versa. Cathy didn't say a word. She would've cancelled her flight but she couldn't. Besides from forgetting, it was her dream to study overseas. Cathy didn't hug Nikky and Ailey like she used to before parting away. She didn't even looked at Nikky when she entered the departure door. Cathy went away just like that. Nikky looked sad. She felt like she did something wrong until Cathy behaved like that. Ailey seeing Nikky like that, invited her to have lunch together.

At lunch, Nikky and Ailey spent a lot of time talking about Cathy's situation when Nikky was gone. Ailey said that Cathy didn't behaved very well like usual. She didn't eat much, didn't talk much, didn't even laugh that often. Not even a smile like she used to. Nikky realized how big the effect that made Cathy change into a whole different person. Nikky was absolutely shocked. She thought that no wonder why Cathy was so misbehaved when she left.


Cathy had arrived at the city where she had dreamed of, Korea. It was almost winter season so it was a bit cold. Cathy took a big steo outside from the airport and gave a big sigh. She's finally here. She put on a big smile but came to a stop and thought how it would have been fun if she went there with Ailey and Nikky. Cathy shook off the thought and starting to remember what she was there for. She went into a taxi and went to her apartment.

Back home..

Nikky and Ailey were so depressed on how Cathy's condition there because they all knew that Cathy's the youngest between all of them and they're worried that she couldn't handle it easily. Ailey remembered to call Cathy once she landed. Aikey grabbed the phone and started dialing. The phone kept ringing but there was no answer. She kept dialing until her eyes started to get watery. Nikky seeing Ailey like that, jumped in shock. Ailey looked very worried. Nikky calmed her down and told her to let it be first.

Days passed by, not a single call from Cathy. Nikky and Ailey still feel worried. Ailey had experienced this when Nikky was gone but Nikky didn't know how it felt. Nikky thought that when Cathy didn't call is because she wanted to get back at her when Nikky was away and didn't call them for days. Nikky and Ailey started to give up on waiting. Both of them were about to go to their rooms, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ailey rushed to the door hoping it was Cathy. She opened the door and to see it was only the mailman. After signing the mail, Ailey was curious about it because there was a letter and 2 packages. Ailey sat down in the living room with a sad face, dissapointed that it wasn't Cathy that came home.

Ailey was too dissapointed to open the packages. She asked Nikky to open it for her. Nikky walked up and sat beside Ailey, picking up the letter first. She opened it and took out a postcard. It was from Cathy. Nikky was so excited, she jumped in happiness. Almost tumbling over, she stopped and read what the postcard said.

"It's really cold out here. Never felt such beauty. The night view is really pretty. It hasn't been snowing yet. Hoping to be with you guys right now. Love you, Cathy."

After reading the post card, Nikky and Ailey felt relieved. Nikky put down the postcard and started to open one of the packages. She opened it but there was Ailey's name on it. It was a box, where in it was a mug which said 'I Love Korea'. Ailey laughed, took it from Nikky's hand and said that it was what she wanted. Nikky opened the other package. It was too a box, smaller than Ailey's. She opened the box which had her name on it. Inside was a necklace, with carvings of her name. She looked at it and tears fell down without her realizing it. Ailey looking at the necklace took it and assisted to put it on for Nikky. It fitted her perfectly. Nikky cried even more because when she was overseas, she didn't even bought Aileyand Cathy souveniers but both Cathy and Ailey didn't mind l

Suddenly the phone rang. Ailey rushed to it. Again hoping it was Cathy. She picked it up and a familiar voice was on the other side of the line. It was Cathy! Ailey felt so excited that she accidentally screamed. Nikky was shocked. Ailey put the phone on speaker mode. Cathy spoke very loud and they couldn't hear her clearly because Cathy was on the streets. She asked if the packaged she sent arrived already. Both Nikky and Ailey shouted yes. Cathy laughed and apologized to Nikky and Ailey because she couldn't call them sooner. She had problems. Then Cathy told them she had to hang up and she'd call them again tomorrow. Cathy hung up and the room was silent.

It's the middle of December, a very cold night. Cathy sat down in front of the apartment window. The view was amazing. Even if she looked at it a thousand times, she couldn't get tired by it. Thinking how it would be more wonderful to watch it with Nikky and Ailey. Cathy decided to go out to get some fresh air. She walked around the park and sat down on one of the bench. She watched people walking around. Suddenly she felt a slight coldness on her hand. It was a snow flake  she looked up and suddenly it was snowing. Out of nowhere, her phone rang. It was Ailey. Ailey shouted in anger for not calling them. Cathy chuckled. She heard Nikky laughing in the background. How she missed both Nikky and Ailey's voices. Cathy told both of them that it had already started snowing here.

It was awhile that they talked on the phone. Without realizing, it was already late. All of them said their goodbyes and hung up. Cathy stood up and sighed, wishing to go back home. She went back feeling happy after talking to Nikky and Ailey on the phone. Cathy walked through the streets, hoping for a niracle.

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