Chapter 3: A ghost from the past

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I slowly moved up to the woman checking our boarding passes. I gave her mine and she let me go. I wish I could've signed for a divorce, because the woman looks a little scared after reading my name. And who I am married to.
The second I leave I'm changing my name. Emily Rue Kain is going to die. I'm thinking of my mother's name. Madeline. Madeline Rue. But... he'll find me then. Maybe...Madeline Heather. My mother's maiden last name. I loved her with my life, when she died I didn't even get to go to the funeral because of him. He stopped me. I loved her so much. I'd take a small part of her, at least I did something for her.
I sit on the plane, alone and excited. But also scared and afraid that he will find me. Martin is a devil in making. He's a devil I do not want anything to do with. My life is better than his, my life is actually worth.
The plane lands in London and I walk out feeling hope. I haven't felt hope for seven years. I married him because my parents needed help. At the age of eighteen , I married this man. I'm twenty-five now, and I still have a life. My mother died two years after my marriage. Heart attack. I was only twenty. I'm going to become the best business woman, make myself capable of standing up for myself. I'm going to do everything I can to be strong.

"Hi!" A voice says. I look behind me and find a handsome man. I'm in a coffee shop and ordering my morning coffee.
"Hey." I say back.
"I'm Zack." He looked okay. He had tattoos on his arms and his hair was almost white, but he didn't look older than thirty.
"Em-Madeline." I smile. I had only changed my full name yesterday.
"Well, Madeline. Do you have a nickname?" He asked.
"Maddy." I say, the same nickname my father used for my mother.
"Maddy, I like it. If you have time tonight, I'd like to know you better." He smiles, showing his white Pearl teeth.
"I'm not really into dating or anything right now."
"Oh, no! I'm gay, I just thought you needed to talk it all out. I'm in more of a friend."
"Oh! I'm sorry for guessing. I've had loads of those-"
"Cliche lines?" He asks.
"To know me more? Well, yes." I nod, with a smile.
"Well, if you wanna talk anytime! Hit me on it. 385-236-1209."
"Thanks, I will." I dial the number and his phone starts ringing.
He smiles.
I turn around to give my order.
"Mocha tall espresso."

And that was the first time I met Zack, he knows my past. Zack and Carl know everything. They know I changed my full name because of it as well.

I wake up with the alarm blaring in my ears. I get up and dressed for work. I work in Robert's Dome. Billionaire company and I'm the Manager for everything around the company to work well. We give out contracts to people who need a job and help them getting a job without a contractor as well.
I drive up and I get out of the car.

"Hey, Heather!" Zack says. He works with me as well. He got a assistant position in Robert's Dome as well. Three years ago.
"Hey, Zacky! How's your day?" I asked.
"Brilliant. Chloe gave me a job to gather all the C and D documents. Then separate them."
Our documents go like this, last name start with A, then it's in A row. And so on.
"That's over four million documents." I warned him. 
"Good thing I got a laptop. It's gonna take two weeks to separate them. But why does she even need that?" Zack asks.
"Cause she wants all these documents transfered before our highest share holder shows up. Of course, he wants all of them to be done as well. The company in Australia as a big hold on contractors. That's where it comes from. Our highest share holder was wanting them all transfered to them." I explain.
"Guess that makes sense. Imma gonna go work before Chloe starts her sympathy act and chucks me outta my job. Bye."

Chloe Simmons. Not British, but her accent says otherwise. She's total cliche and a bad girl. She bullies all that done listen to her and do the worship her. I've personally never worshiped her and never will. So she can cry about it all she wants.

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