for the flawed series
by @flawed-
story #1 in the 'for the flawed' series.
she just wanted to be skinny for him; she wanted to be the kind of girlfriend he'd be proud to have, even if he couldn't see her.
he just wanted to see her, to be able to tell her she was beautiful and she'd know he was telling the truth, he wanted her to be happy.
they wanted to be perfect for each other.
and with that, they destroyed themselves.
story #2 in the 'for the flawed' series.
every night you held me.
making me feel disgusting,
because you were the
s e c o n d
to touch me.
story #3 in the 'for the flawed' series.
he thought he could fix her
he thought he could make her
b e a u t i f u l
but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
*holds a bucket full of tears*
Don't even get me started on how emotional these stories are. Like just don't. Go look for flawed- and read ALL of her heartfelt stories. Like seriously there's a lot of 'em. Though not all of her stories are as emotional as the one posted and listed above.
Personally, I chose to put 'for the flawed' series here instead of her other books because I think that these are the ones that conveyed so many emotion by @flawed-'s style of writing alone.
I can't even describe how amazing she is and she definitely makes one of the best stories out here in wattpad that deserves millions of reads!
But PLEASE do read the rest of her works, you ain't regretting it folks! I tell you!
xoxo Feb, with pink covered tissues <3