Pt. 1"you must be.."

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     As you were walking to the rink, you are stopped by a brown haired girl with a gorgeous smile. “Hi, I'm Connie, Connie Moreau.” She says. “Y/N, Y/N L/N. ” You say with a smile. “Are you one of our new recruits? ” She asks returning a smile. “Yeah, yeah I am.” you say. “Thats cool! let's get inside.” Connie says pulling you by the arm.

    As you walk into the locker room, your eyes are met with a shortish looking, brown hair, brown eyed boy wearing a red and white jersey. “Hi I'm Kenny Wu, but people call me Ken. ” he says holding his hand out waiting for you to shake it. “Uh hey, sorry. I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you! ” you say with a smile also taking his hand in yours and shaking it. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He says with a smile and a slight blush.

   You all skate onto the ice. Ogs on one side, new teammates on the other. You feel eyes on you and turn around and see Ken staring at you. He looks away kind of embarrassed. You notice Connie and she notices you, you guys exchange a smile and a wave and turn your eyes back on y'all's coach. Everyone is introduced and Coach makes y'all scrimmage.

~Time Skip~

    Once practice was over and everyone was showered and changed you all got your stuff and headed to y'all's dorms. Kenny came from behind and slightly grabbed your arm. “Hey, would you wanna walk to our dorms together?? ” he says with a nervous but hopeful look on his face. “Id be honored. ” you say with a  smile. He smiles back and you guys set forth to your dorms.

AN: I will probably try and make one chapter/part a day because I am kind of on a busy schedule so please forgive me and give me ideas please!! Have a nice night/day.<33

Will you be mine?? Ken Wu(tmd)Where stories live. Discover now