so it's a date?

373 8 7

Y/n's pov~

I was at the café when I hear the little bell indicating someone came in.

"Hi, what can I get you today?" I look up to see techno just standing there.

"Hello, do you have anything to help with a sore throat?"

"Yes we do! We have honey tea, would you like that?" I say with a smile

"That would be amazing y/n" he says with a soft smile.

I turn around and start to make his tea. I can feel him watching me but I don't really mind.

"Here you go" I say with a small smile.

"..thanks, hey was wondering if you wanted to hangout tomorrow" I hear him say.

"Uh..sure! What time?" I look at him.

"Two pm, if that's alright with you."

"It is, I'll see you then!"

"It's a date?" I think for a moment I mean I literally just meet this guy but Im fucking lonely so I guess it won't be that bad.

"It's a date!" I hear him say a faint bye but with a smile on his face. I start to walk to the back because it was my lunch break. I usually stay in the back for my break but I decided to go to another café because if I'm being honest the café I work at isn't the best but I would never tell anyone that.

I was in the back getting my coat when I heard my coworker come in.

"So who was the guy?" I hear him say with a bit of curiosity in his voice.

"A friend. Why do you wanna know?" I say clearly just wanting to get out of here with little conversation.

"Oh I don't know maybe because you literally never get asked out by a guy. Also, just a friend? That friend seemed really eager to get a date with you," he starts to walk out the door, "is he really just friend?"

"I'm going on my lunch break." I say to him trying to get out of here quickly.

"If you don't come back, I'll know why!" He yells at me as I'm walking out the door.

"Yeah, yeah" I mumbled.

Im walking on the sidewalk trying not to bull doze into someone. I start to listen to the noise on the streets of new york. It had always seemed to calm me down, with the slight breeze and cars going by, business women and men loudly talking on their phones. The smell of autumn mixed with body odor and street side pizza and tacos. The load shuffling of feet. It seemed to calm me down. Even in the worst times.

I soon arrived to the café and walked in. The smell of cupcakes, muffins, and coffee was always one of the best smells to me. I walk up to the counter to see my roommate, Lila, working. I always knew we both worked at a café, I just never knew which one she worked at.

"Hey y/n, what can I get you today?" She says with a smile.

"Um can I just get a vanilla chai, ice blended please."

"Of course! That will be three dollars and forty six cents." I pass her my money.

I waited a couple minutes until they called my name meaning my drink was done. I grabbed it and sat down at an empty table. I pulled out my phone and decided to scroll through twitter.

Technoblade @technothepig
What if I blew up l'manburg again? Thoughts?

Tommyinnit @Tommyinnit
Replying to @technothepig
Technoblade I swear to God.
Dream @dreamwastaken
Replying to @technothepig and @tommyinnit
Oh come on tommy, it was so much fun!

I exit out of twitter and stood up from my seat and threw my empty cup away. I walk out of the doors and once again appear on new yorks sidewalks. I walk back to the café that I work at.

I get there and hang up my coat on the rack and put my apron back on and head to the front.

"God this is gonna be a long day.." I mumble to myself.


I got back to my shared apartment and quickly dashed towards my room. I flop on my bed and groan,

"God why does life has to be so hard..."

I hear my ringtone go off and check the caller was technoblade. Obviously I answered his call.

"Hallo.." I hear him say


"Do you wanna play bedwars with me?"

"Straight to the point are we? Uh yeah just give me a minute."

"Okay, I'll give you my discord."

"Okay see ya in a second."

"See ya."

I get up and change into more comfortable clothes. I sit at my computer and open my phone to see techno has indeed gave me his discord. I request a friend request and immediately it got accepted.

'well someone is eager'

He starts a call and obviously I get on it.



"You ready to beat some kids"

"Fuck yeah! Let's beat their asses!"

I hear him chuckle, "let's do this."

We're paired up together and almost immediately technoblade starts to gather supplies for himself and starts to head out to other people's bases, leaving me to bed defense...I suck at bed defense.


"what's happening over there?" I hear techno say


I hear him chuckle,

Bed destroyed


"I fucking quit at this game" I say trying not to hit something.

"Okay what do you wanna play then"

"Can we just talk..?" I say quietly.

"Sure what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know," I say trying to think what to say. "Hey I'm really excited for our date..."

"Me too..." He says quietly, "hey when did you start watching...uh my content"

"I don't remember but I starting watching when you played sky wars."


"Hey techno.."


"I'm kinda tired, do you mind with we...sleep call?"

I can basically hear him smile, "of course."

I lay in my bed on call with techno now on my phone. I hear him ramble about Greek mythology. To be honest if I were awake when he did these rambles I would know a lot.

I fell asleep fairly quickly.

I am not prepared for tomorrow.

Technoblade @technothepig
I'm excited for tomorrow
Tommyinnit @tommyinnit
Replying to @technothepig

Ayo this book is not discontinue I lied, I am in fact a liar. But hey long chapter. Have a beautiful whatever bye I love you sleep well and have some water pls and thank you. <3


 I'm in Love with a Blood God//technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now