Chpt. 3

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Dabis POV:

I stare at the front door of my friend's house. I had texted them earlier to see if it was ok for me to stay with them for a while, because I didn't know where to go, as I had no place to stay.

I muster up the courage to go knock on the door of Eren Jaeger's house. He opens the door almost instantly.

"Hey Jaeger" I say with a grin on my face.

"Hey Dabi," he says with a wide smile. He lets me inside and shows me to the room I'm staying in.

"Hope you like the room man" He says. He leaves so that I can change into some spare clothes that he'd prepared for me earlier.

After I changed, I quickly made it downstairs, so that I could tell my best friend what happened.

"Hey man, whats up" Ereh said as he saw me walk into the kitchen

"Not much bro, just wanted to talk to you about the situation I was in last night" I reply

"Alright go ahead"

30 minutes Later

"That's rough buddy," Eren says. "You should have called me, I would have gotten you out of there easily."

"Yeah, but Sangwoo is a nice guy when he wants to be" I say.

"Dude, c'mon, he's not good for you." Eren points out. "He was with your ex FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

"B-but!" I try to object.


"F-fine... whatever.." I sigh.

I walk away and head up to the guest room, which is where I'm staying, and flop down onto the bed and cry myself to sleep.

Sangwoos POV:

Im freaking out, where could he be..

I've checked everywhere. I've asked everyone.

He's nowhere. No one has seen him.

I need to get him back. He can't just leave. He was my fucking PRISONER. How stupid was I that I just let him go.

That's it, I'm going to the cops. They'll have more luck finding him than I will, but what do I tell them? That the guy I kidnapped ran away? Yeah, that'll really persuade them to help me. Maybe I can just say he's run away again. Yeah, he's my little brother that runs away all the time. I'll say he's mentally unstable and that he needs to be found immediately.

I run upstairs to grab my cap and coat so that I can go outside to the police station.

Once I make it there after a 25 minute walk I go inside to inform them of my missing 'brother'.

"Hey kid, what's up?" One of the officers asks me.

It's kinda pathetic that he thinks I'm a kid but I need to stay in character. I look him in the eye and start to look 'upset' and 'scared'.

"M-my brother, h-he went missing last night and I-I cant find him anywhere..." I manage to whimper throughout my shitty acting performance.

"Hey kid, don't worry we'll be able to look for him soon, just give us a description and we'll start looking for him." The officer says, standing up and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"T-thank you officer.." I say as I tense under his palm.

Dabis POV:

The next morning when I wake up and go downstairs, I walk into the kitchen to find 3 officers plus Sangwoo standing there talking to Eren.

"Officers, you were right!" Sangwoo exclaims, "he really is here!"

"Ok kid, you got your brother back, off we go now bye."

Sangwoo grabs me by my upper arm and drags me out the front door, slamming it behind him.

"What the FUCK did you think you accoplished by doing that HUH?!" He spits at me angrily.

"I-I was mad, a-and I n-needed to get s-some fresh air.." I explain slowly.

"That's bullshit Dabi," Sangwoo points out, "now tell me what you were actually doing."

"I said I was just g-getting some f-fresh air." I lie again.

"That's it," Sangwoo says in a disappointed voice, "you fucked up, i didn't want to do this to you but you have given me no choice."

"H-huh?" I ask, confused.

Sangwoo drags me by the arm all the way back to his house. The only thing I can focus on when we get back to his neighbourhood is the eerie silence.

What was he going to do to me, I think to myself as we make our way up the stairs and into the house. Once we get inside, I am dragged into the basement and am thrown onto the floor.

"It's time for you to receive your punishment." Sangwoo says slowly, each word like a steamy kiss.
I don't want to give in, but it's like every inch of his body calls me to him; begging to be satisfied. My face heats up at the mere touch of his lips against my ashy skin, and I pant hot breaths in his face. He can tell that I'm excited, and purposely takes his time undressing me.

"Just so you know," He says, "I won't be going easy on you, so even if you're begging me to stop, I won't finish until I'm satisfied."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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