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2 years Later

Jungkook was returning home from the restaurant, he ate at after he finished work, he came New York after that incident working as a CEO in Jeon corp. branch in New York and never looked back at South Korea 

he wanted to forget it, move on from the person who will never love him back but, what he could do, he just couldn't, still his home screen wallpaper was a picture of Kim Taehyung, still he had hung a smily picture of Taehyung in his bedroom ,still he can't get rid of the pale yellow shirt once Taehyung brought him, still-still-still and many more still's

He simply couldn't throw them and change, many times encouraging himself that he will remove it today but that today never comes he couldn't even lift the picture to throw it, the smile of Taehyung in the picture makes his day bright but also make him sad that the smile he will never be the reason of it

Jungkook slowly enters his Mansion as he parks his car and get inside with a blank expression looking straight as he claps lazily which made the sensor lights to switch on making the mansion bright 

The Mansion looks beautiful with lights lit but only Jungkook know how it is, it only appeared bright which is fake, beautiful in only appearance but is dull, from inside, it is cold and closed because it's just a building made of bricks which is made luxurious, like a showpiece because it is not a home 

Jungkook gulp as he made his way to the stairs for his room, the feeling of loneliness creeping inside him but he knows he is to blame to shut down everybody out and not let anybody step in his life-his house just because he failed--failed in love, he is a looser when it comes to love 

Jungkook's eyes immediately fall on the picture inside his room, the picture of his love smiling his lovely boxy smile, it was the day when they went picnic of course as a friends with their other friends too with included Taehyung's now current husband Yoongi

and he just snapped it but also stole it remembering Taehyung whining about where is his favorite picture is gone which Jungkook made excuses saying maybe it has been deleted and remember how Taehyung face saddened and Jungkook want to tell him the truth to wipe that sadness from his face

But he didn't as he told himself he could keep just one picture which was Taehyung's Favorite as his, just one

Jungkook sigh as he took a shower and changed in some comfortable pajamas and laid on his bed staring, sleep was far from him tho he was tired but he just couldn't sleep and it was late at night 

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Jungkook sigh as he took a shower and changed in some comfortable pajamas and laid on his bed staring, sleep was far from him tho he was tired but he just couldn't sleep and it was late at night 

Suddenly his phone started to ring out loud bringing him out of his thought and he bend to  grab it from the nightstand and see the caller Id it was his friend-less-brother-more Jung Hoseok and he frowned 

why is he calling me late at night?

He thought but eventually picked his phone and said "hello hyu-" but he was cut of with a sniff as he heard through the other side "J-junk-koo-k y-y-o-ur-" and now Jungkook was full sitting on his bed worry and concern laced in his black orbs

"hyung what happen?" he asked and heard just sniffs with a shaky reply "J-jungk-k-ook y-our-" but Jungkook cut him while saying "hyung clam down and tell me what happen okay? hmm?" Jungkook said with worry in his tone 

he heard some sniffs before Hoseok answered making the land underneath Jungkook slip "J-Jungkook y-you-r M-mother she had an accident" Jungkook gripped around the phone loosened as he processed what he just heard 

Tears blurred his view as he shakingly asked "w-what a-are you saying h-hyung?" but in return he just got were a few sniffs before Hoseok answered "J-Jungkook come back please s-s-she is in a c-crit-tical c-condition" 

"I-I'm coming j-just l-look after her okay" Jungkook said smattering in between and he cut the call after hearing a small yes before Jungkook knew his brain was already at work wanting to just go where is mother is, wanting to just insure she is safe, wanting to just lie down in her lap as she stroked Jungkook's hair lovingly, just wanting to feel his mother's warmth

Jungkook boked the first flight to South Korea with his shaking hands, the fear of loosing his mother making Jungkook work fast as he grabbed his backpack throwing random clothes as he zipped up his bag and grab his necessities 

Millions of Memories of Jungkook and His Mother came into his Mind, His Mind going in possible direction of negative thoughts, Memories of how his Mother is super strong when he lost his dad at the age of 15 his mother handled the company and him well not forgetting to spend time with him insuring him that she is there, there for him always

As a Mother she did her duty of protecting, loving and nursing Jungkook with uttermost as any parent who love his kids do, and Jungkook is praying when he reached there he just wanting to see his mother with her beautiful smile as she call his name lovingly 

with these thoughts he sat in the Plane


Taehyung stood outside of the private VIP ward and exhales a breathe inhaling it and exhaling it again, repeating the process few times before plastering a smile which looked faked as he opens the door and calls out in his sweet voice 

"Yoonie~ Taetae~ is back~" he sing-songed happily 

There was Min Yoongi lying peacefully, face pale, as the blanket covered till his neck looks in a deep slumber


Hello Sweetcheeks💜

how are you doing?

I hope you enjoy the chapter 😘🥰

the last part is just a trailer ,  😎

Thank you 


See you in next part~~~~~~~

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