the intern » jinkook

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 request: Doctor Jin x intern kook au in which Jin just can't stand Jungkook at first because of how he had become everyone's apple of the eye in a short matter of time, then they somehow fall in love and have sex somewhere in the hospital (this was requested in my language i tried to translate it as much as i could)

request by: WWHsnakeu

w// power bottom jin, detailed blowjob, hyung kink, lots of hickeys, sex on a examination bed cause you gotta seize the opportunity, slight degradation 


Jin glared at the intern as he got praised by yet another senior doctor for his work. The intern named, Jeon Jungkook. Everyone's apple of the eye. Everyone's favorite. Everyone's precious.

But, why? Why that boy? What is in that fluffy brown haired boy with a bunny smile that everyone is so darn whipped for him? He is an intern, it's his job to take good care of patients, it's not like he's doing this for free or as a social work, right? Then why? Just why?

To Jin, that boy was nothing but a spoiled brat of a rich ceo. He hasn't done anything that proves that allegation but what else do you expect from a boy who was raised with a silver spoon? Politeness? Pfftt, no!

 Jin has been humiliated so many times in college because of his family's financial position. His family which was very poor, helpless and broken. All problem bigger than other one, his father was an alcoholic; a drug addict abusing Jin and his mother in every way possible, forcing Jin's mother to give him the earnings she made from the small restaurant she had through which they made ends meet. 

Jin was always passionate about being a doctor but he knew his mother could not support him with his medical degree since it was already hard enough for her to pull him through high school. But, Jin was adamant. He used all his years in high school to study and study hard. And it all paid off well when he was offered the scholarship from a well-reputed medical university where only the elites or the most knowledgeable students to go.

And, of course Jin became the favorite rag doll of all the students to play with. Everyone loved messing with him, seeing those pretty eyes behind the big round glasses well up. Jin couldn't fight back then, he was very fragile, delicate and nothing compared to them. He also didn't want any drama or conflict.

But, now look at Jin. Still looking the same as he used to in college but the interior of his bank account completely reconstructed. He got his mother divorced with his father, renovated the restaurant to be bigger and is one of South Korea's best doctors.

But, Did Jungkook suffer as much as Jin did? Did he ever struggle? No. He just had everything hand over to him the moment he wanted.

Jungkook was just a spoilt brat with tattoos to scare children, muscles to attract girls and a cute smile that made Jin's heart flutter sometimes which Jin would kill you if you confront about.







'Ok, maybe the tattoo part was wrong.' Jin thought as he saw children from the cancer ward who were almost always gloomy playing with Jungkook with a wide smile spread across their face and asking so many questions to him. 

"Hyung, do tway hwurt?" A boy asked as he poked and ran his fingers on Jungkook's tattoos.

"Yes, but if someone is as strong as our Doyun they won't feel much pain." Jungkook smiled and ruffled the mentioned boy's fluffy hair.

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