𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗜𝗩𝗘 ━ ❛𝗋𝖾𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗇 ❜

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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗜𝗩𝗘 ! * ぃ ゚.➹


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AFTER A WHILE the group of five had nearly reached the safe house were Melina lived nowadays. Alena walked right behind Natasha, next to her Miles who had remained quiet the whole way.

Alexei walked infront of them and guided the group down towards the safe house, which was surrounded by a large grid.

As Alena slowly approached the grid she could see Melina standing behind it, a large sniper rifle in her hands.

The dark brunette woman eyed the group silently. At some point her eyes wandered of towards Yelena and Alena, love laying in her gaze.

"Honey, we're home", Alexei smiled widely at the woman, but Melia still didn't said a thing before she walked out of the grid and past them.

Alexei stuffed his hands back into his jacket as he nodded his head towards the other house, "Come on, girls."

Miles gave him an annoyed look and Alena released a quiet chuckle before she patted his shoulder.

The brunette woman opened the door and entered the house without looking back, "Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home."

Alena let her gaze wander around the room interisted, impressed by how comfortable it all looked. Yelena split from the group and Alena immediately followed after her.

As she entered the dinning room the woman saw how Yelena stood by the table. The chairs stood exactly the way they had stood when they lived in Ohio.

Alena released a deep sighed before she walked over and stood begin the seat she always used to always sit on.

Meanwhile Miles joined Melina and Natasha in the kitchen, the two woman were arguing with each other. "I didn't raised my girls to fall in taps", he could hear the brunette say as Natasha scoffed. "You didn't raise us at all."

"Oh, maybe so. But if you got soft, it wasn't on my watch", Melina stated as she looked at Natasha and walked into the dinning room. She passed Miles and gave him a critical look before she continued her way.

Miles eyed the woman carefu and leaned against the sink as he looked over at Natasha, "You never told me that you had two sisters."

"That's because they aren't my real sister's", the red head answered him edgy before she left the kitchen as well.

The brunette man let out an annoyed huff and stayed in the kitchen before he joined the other's, who were already sitting around the table.

He sat down on the small couch that was standing next to the table and as soon as he had sat down they all could hear Alexei's grunting comming from the bathroom.

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