𝟏. 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲?

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"Help me! Jihyeon!"


A girl crawls helplessly on the ground trying to reach the unreachable hand of a boy that's being dragged away from her grasps.


The boy shouts out, tears are falling from his eyes. The girl tried her best to stand up and run towards the boy but the pain on her chest is too unbearable.

In that moment, her body froze as if she couldn't do anything. With tears in her eyes, she saw a man with tough build is hitting the anonymous boy that cried for her help mercilessly with a shovel.


"NOOO!!" Jihyeon screams, opening her eyes as she breathes heavily and also sweating. She put her hand on her chest, her heart is beating rapidly. "That dream again." She muttered under her breath, breathlessly.

The girl looked at the window as she sees the sun is already soar up high in the sky. In the moment, her bedroom's door is opened by a dark browned haired boy.

"I thought that you're not up yet." He muttered as the girl stills in her current state. "You're having that dream again?" he sounds concerned. "Yes." She sighed deeply as the boy caressed her back softly.

"It's just a bad dream. You'll get over it soon." he smiles in comfort. "I'll try." The girl nods. "Go take showers and get ready for school." He assured and step out of the room, heading downstairs to the dining room.

"Is your sister already wake up?" a woman in her 50s asked the boy. "She's having that dream again." He replied, taking his seat at the table. "Is there something we can do about it, mom?" he looks at his mother's firmly. "Well, we're not in charge in handling someone's dream, Doyoung." The woman exclaims as she handed her only son his sandwiches.

"Poor her, having those bad dreams every night." Doyoung mumbled, taking a sip from his coffee as his mother nodded in agreement. "Morning, mom." A cheerful voice greets them as she takes her seat next to Doyoung.

"No morning to me?" Doyoung teased. "Good morning too." She smiles softly at her brother. "Are you feeling okay now?" he asked. "Well, I need to go through my whole day just fine. I need to move on from my last night dream even though it haunted me every single night." Jihyeon sighed deeply and she takes a bite on a sandwich.

As the two siblings are enjoying their breakfast, Doyoung remembered something. "You're going to the museum today, right?" he asked his sister. Jihyeon nods curtly, scrolling through her phone. "Hey, what's the etiquette when you're eating?" Doyoung reminds firmly. "No, phone." He scoffed. "I'm sorry." Jihyeon immediately put her phone down.

"Kim Jihyeon!" a loud shriek can be heard from outside of the house. "Looks like Moonbyul is here." Doyoung exclaims. "It's a cue for me to go now." The girl takes finished the milk before slinging her bag on her shoulder. "Mom, I'll be going now." Jihyeon kissed her mother on the cheek. "Take care. And have fun during your trip." Ms. Kim smiles as the girl nods.

"Have a good day, kiddo." Doyoung ruffled her hair. "Hey, don't do that." The girl frowned. "Hurry now, your friend is waiting." The boy chuckles lightly. "You know she still have a crush on you." Jihyeon throws a playful grin at her brother. "Thanks for the reminder and I'm still not interested." Doyoung rolled his eyes.

"When you're interested, don't be shy, informed me. okay?" Jihyeon winked greeted with Doyoung's sharp glares. "Goodbye, now." She waves and walked out of the house. "Hey, there. You're ready for your trip?" Moonbyul, the blonde haired girl smiles in excitement to her friend. "It's a trip to museum. Isn't it going to be boring?" Jihyeon replied.

"No, it's not. It's fun. I've go there once." Moonbyul exclaims. " Many interesting stuff is in there." She continued. "Everything is interesting for you, Moonbyul even stone." Jihyeon giggles. "Yes, especially your brother." The blonde girl grins. "Unfortunately, he's not interested in you." Jihyeon replied. "Don't worry, he will soon." Moonbyul replied nonchalantly.

"The bus is here." Moonbyul says as she sees a bus stopped in front of them. It's their own school bus. "I told Hendery to tell the teacher that they'll take us here." Moonbyul winked. "I thought we need to go to the college first and we can take off from there together." Jihyeon exclaims. "Don't you read the group chat last night? The teacher says 'SEND ME YOUR LOCATION'" Moonbyul says. "I slept early." Jihyeon answered.

"Good thing your boyfriend asked me to go along with you from your house because he says that my place is way damn too far." Moonbyul rolled her eyes. "Thank you, my dearest friend." Jihyeon chuckles as the two girls entered the bus. "Jihyeon!" someone called as a smile curled on her lips as soon as she saw the owner of the voice.

"Is this the sign you're letting me sit alone and you're going to sit with your boyfriend?" Moonbyul huffed. "Get yourself one, then." Jihyeon laughed as she takes her seat next to the Chinese boy that called for her. "No, thanks. I'm sitting with Kun." Moonbyul rolled her eyes as she took as seat next to the Student President who doesn't even care about her existence.

"Hey, there." Jihyeon smiles at the boy softly. "I missed you." the boy exclaims. "Hendery, we've just met yesterday." The girl exclaims. "But, still." He giggles. "Jihyeon, I have something to say." Hendery exclaims. "What is it?" the girl furrowed her eyebrows. "Can I go with the boys when we're in the museum? I'm so sorry that I can get along with you." he pleaded.

"Sure. I can still go with Moonbyul." Jihyeon smiles. She's sad actually because nowadays Hendery didn't be with her like he used to before. He normally told her that he's going out with his friend whenever she wanted to bring him going out on a simple date. But, never in the world, she ever had a bad thought of him because she trusted him that much.

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