Vas Happening?

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"HARRY?...H-harry wake up...P-p-please..." Niall croaked out in between his sobs.  

I looked around the room, Niall has been sobbing ever since Harry fainted, Louis was sitting next to Niall telling him it would be okay.  

Then there was me, Daddy Direction, sitting off to the side, useless in this situation. No matter how badly I wanted to help him I knew I couldn't. I'm no good in situations like this I freeze knowing that someone so close to me is in pain. If I touch him will I hurt him more? I could only imagine what Zayn would do in a situation like this, he might know what to do.  

"Zayn, what do we d-"I said but stopped mid sentence only to find Zayn nowhere in sight. 

"Louis where is Zayn??" I asked hoping that he knew.  

"Sorry mate, I haven't seen him since Azriel started talking to... Harry" He whispered , I'm guessing so Niall didn't hear Harry's name. 

"Harry... isn't here, but he is" Niall said trying to sound as calm and as stable as possible, but you could tell he was still sobbing. Clearly, Niall heard what Louis and I were saying. 

Wait, what is he talking about. 

"Niall, what are you talking about, Harry is right h-" Louis said sounding a bit offended. 

"No, he isn't he's-" Niall started, but was cut off by a familiar sound, the sound of the ouija board moving. The wedge started moving, Louis and I then skittishly sat around the board where Zayn was already sitting. I wonder where he was anyways but he's here now so it doesn't really matter. All I knew was this board was moving and Niall didn't even look shocked.

I was about to ask Niall what he was talking about, but he handed me a piece of paper and a pen, then sat back down like he was, no-longer sobbing but just like he was. 

"What's with Niall??" Louis asked, still seeming a bit mad about Niall's previous comment. 

Just then the board started to spell. 

I wrote the letters down as they were shown. 


"Li, what did it say" asked Louis with a half-hearted expression on his face. 

"It said to listen to Niall" I said in shock concerning to what Niall said before about Harry. 

Before I could start my next sentence, I was cut off by a familiar voice. Niall's voice.  

"Shhh" he whispered. 

"Harry, is fine just a bit scared is all." 

"What are you talking about! He's fine!?! GOD DAMN IT NIALL HE IS LYING ON THE FLOOR PASSED OUT AND YOU THINK THAT'S FUCKING ALRIGHT?!?!?!" Louis yelled and then tensed at the thought of Harry not moving.

Zayn was nodding the whole time, like he knew what Niall was talking about.  

"Wait, Y-you to know what's going on with Harry, don't you?" I asked as calmly as I could without stuttering. 

They looked at each other, then nodded. 

"Yes..." The two said in unison with very sad expressions on their faces.  

I never thought one word could bring so much relief and Fear, Relief that someone knows what is going on with Harry and Fear that it might be fatal.  

"So, what is wrong with him?" Louis asked with genuine concern while moving Harry to the sofa. 

"He isn't here, he is somewhere eles..." Zayn said calmly, like its happened to him before. 

"If he is not here then where is he?" I said with full trust in what either Niall or Zayn said at this point. 

I got my response from Niall  

"Over there." He said, from his tone you wouldn't even be able to tell that he had been sobbing earlier. 

Then both Niall and Zayn point at the ouija board, which was now spelling again. I felt the need to go and look at what It was spelling. 

I went over and the Board wrote... 


Then it stopped.

I read the page, letter by letter, over and over for what seemed like hours, knowing what this meant I passed it to Louis read it for himself. I could see his eyes study the letters I had jotted down just minutes before, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"W-What does this e-even mean?" He asked, his voice weak with fear clearly woven into his tone.

But we knew what it meant, no matter how much we denied it.

"It means Harry is on the other side...." Niall said matter-of-factly pinching the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed with louis's question.

God, he's still confused... Mabey Should tell him

"Louis, he means Harry is in the spirit world." I said as I watched his eyes widen in shock and he started shaking. 

Now we are sitting in the living room, reading the note from the ouija....


AN, Three votes or three comments for the next chapter, I love feed back and ideas so feel free too send me messages, sorry this chapter is not that good... But i've tried


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