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1. The beginning

"LYRA. RUN. DON'T TURN BACK. I LOVE YOU!" Those were the last words I ever heard of my mum.

I wish I could say I followed her words, but I can't. I couldn't leave the place I had grown up in.

Growing up I always told to be ready to run. I was prepared for this day since the day dad left. I was 5 the night he returned, I fought; I ran. I wasn't taught how to fight, I just knew. As I left, I watched my parents, awestruck. She drank. She dropped dead. I ran. My father followed.

2. Escape

Running. Running. I didn't stop till I had reached the mountains. The necklace. I could escape. Quickly, I created a portal using Mother's necklace before climbing through it. I was in a different world. I freeze for a second trying to take in the events. My head swam with questions. What had just happened? It was all a blur. What did mum drink? Where was dad now? Was he after me? Would I escape his clutches? Does he know about the portals? i was scared. I ran. I couldn't stop. I couldn't turn back.

I forgot to close the portal.

3. The New World

This new world that I had entered was not dissimilar to the one I had just left. Only it was snowing. I could hide my tracks now. It was amazing but...

He was behind me. I was running. Running through the thick snow. How do he find me. It hit me. I had left the portal open. Loosing him, I jumped through another portal making sure to seal it this time. I was in a new world. Cherry blossom trees, gently showered me in their pink leaves . It felt like a dream. Like I had escaped the nightmarish world before.

4. The Lake

Sat in the distance, a glistening lake caught my eye. This world maybe was a dream. I crept up to the lake, longing to swim in its clear waters. Carefully, I removed my shoes, sat down by the edge of the lake and dipped my feet in the waters. It felt so refreshing against my tired, worn feet. The light shimmered off the gentle ripples of lake. The leaves from the blossom trees gracefully flew down and landed in the lake creating a mosaic around my feet. This world was paradise, I never wanted to leave this magnificent, calming world.

5. Someone There

Thud. Thud. Thud. Footsteps where coming from behind me. They sound so far away, yet so close. I dint dare to look behind me but instead, quickly shoved my shoes onto my soaked feet. They were getting closer now. Thud. Thud. Thud. I froze. I could hear my heart beating faster and faster as the steps grew louder and louder. This was the end. I tried to hide by a tree but my feet were rooted to the ground. I went grab my necklace to open another portal but I felt breathing on my tingling back. It was too late

6. The Thing

"Child, how did you get here?"

I hesitated, shocked, a cat was talking to me. Talking?

"Umm, please, I didn't mean to intrude I just came by this place- it's beautiful."

"How did you get passed me?" the cat asked, perched on the rock nearest to me.

"I- I came in through another entrance, I didn't see you when I entered," I knew that I had to lie.

"Impossible, there are no other entrances. What is your name anyway?" it was looking for the entrance I'd used.

"My name is Lily Wilson,"

"Liar! My master has no sister,"

"Wait- What-"

2nd last The Lullaby

People think the dead can't talk. I would disagree. Mum's been dead ten years now but every night, she returns in my dreams softly singing my childhood lullaby. Last night the words to the song changed...

Dig underneath the log pile,

And you'll find a big clue....

I jolted awake breathing heavily.

Outside, I followed the instructions, humming the words to the lullaby. THUNK. A box. Prying it open, I recoiled. Rat poison? Then it hit me. It contained arsenic. Dad. Poison. Mum. Dad. Memories flashed before my eyes.

A shadow fell over me. I turned. It was my dad.

last Shadows of the past

My dad was behind me. The murderer. Before I knew what I was doing, I was running back to the house. Dark shadows started consuming me. My mum. My dad. Him killing my mum. The rat poison. One thought. Run. It wasn't enough to stop the questions. How did he find me? Will I escape before he too kills me?

Running to the front door. The shadows were suffocating me. Thud. My face. The floor.

It was too late.

"Hey sweetie."

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