Why'd You Let Them Drive? (Louis)

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"Woohoo!" Niall yelled from next to me, Zayn driving the side-by-side. Zayn was driving, Liam was in the middle of the front seat, Harry was next to Liam in the front, I was behind Harry, and Niall was next to me. Louis had to finish something with the music, and had to write one more song, so I was with the boys as they literally kidnapped me from my apartment.

"Zayn! Slow the goddam fvck down!" I yelled, laughing a bit, therefore not getting my point across as he sped up.

"Zayn, slow down. It's raining! Wet grass!" Liam yelled, hoping to smack some sense into the power hungry boy.

All Zayn did, was speed up, especially when we got onto the grass. We were on an old horse and carriage trail before, but we're back to the field by the road. We were turning left around a power pole and everything after that went in slow motion.

Screams of:




"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!"

were heard as the wheels lifted off the ground, the vehicle turning and landing on the left side, making Harry and I the ones being landed on.

"Holy shit! SMOKE! EVERYONE OUT! NIALL, CARRY HER OUT THE TOP AND HAND HER TO ME!" Liam yelled, getting everyone up and out. I couldn't get enough strength to help Niall lift me, which I didn't take as a good sign. I could barely open my eyes, and they all noticed.

"Y/N...Y/N open your eyes. I need you to open you eyes love. Can you speak to me please? I need to hear your voice." someone said, taking me from whoever was holding me before.

"Someone call Louis! Someone else call 911! WE NEED HER AT A HOSPITAL NOW!" the person carrying my yelled. Who's Louis? Why would they call him?

"Y/N, say something, please." the male cried, holding me closer to his chest.

"Who...who are...you?" I genuinely asked, soon hearing sirens and felt being carried onto a hard platform thingy, felling a sharp pinch in the fold of my arm, and completely blacking out.

(Harry's POV)

"Someone call Louis! Someone else call 911! WE NEED HER AT A HOSPITAL NOW!" Liam yelled, letting his tears fall freely now.

I called, Louis, Zayn calling 911, Niall completely freaking out. I went over to Niall, wrapping him in a hug while waiting for Louis to answer the phone.

Louis: Hello?

Harry: Louis? Louis we need you to meet us at a hospital. We'll be there soon and I'll send you the location.

Louis: What the fvck happened. What happened to y/n? Harry fvcking answer me!!

Harry: There's not much time to explain right now, I need you to drive as safe as possible. If not for you, for Y/N, because she's gonna need you Louis.

Louis: HARRY!

Harry: The ambo is here Louis, I need to go.

Louis: Ok, send me the location as soon as you know *he said, much more calm*

Harry: I will

I took Niall over to the second ambo, hoping they could give him something to help with a panic attack. They put him on an oxygen mask while I rubbed his back and did everything I could to help him calm down. I knew he felt like this was his fault, but it absolutely wasn't. It was all of ours in a way, but he wasn't the one with the idea, the one driving, or the one who took her from her apartment. Therefore, not his fault.

"Niall, buddy? Can you type out what you!re thinking?" I said,handing him his, thankfully, perfectly fine phone. He typed out a message, sending it to me to read and looking at me with wide scared eyes. I read the text:

harry, i should've sat on her side. she asked me if i wanted to, and i should've said yes. it should've been me harry, not her. louis...he's gonna kill me. oh my god i might've killed his girlfriend. what if she has brain bleeds? what if her skull is broken? what if, when i fell on her, i cracked one of her ribs and it impaled a lung?

"Niall, she's gonna be ok. None of this is your fault." I tried to soothe, taking him and sitting him on my lap like a child. I rubbed and patted his back, lightly rocking us to try to help him calm down any way I could.

"He can try to take off now, we'll be leaving soon." the paramedic said, putting some thing behind us is shelves. He took off his mask and took deep breaths, leaving himself into my shoulder.

After a while, we were loaded into an ambo to be checked at the hospital. Once I knew the name, I sent it to Louis, which to no surprise, he was already there. He figured this was under a 'Trauma' case, so he went to the best trauma hospital.


Everyone was alright, minus Y/N who had it quite worse, as she was much smaller and more fragile. I had a small fracture in my arm, Liam had a decent bruise on his left rib, but nothing too serious, Zayn was completely blaming himself and almost driving himself mad which he was admitted to the hospital for, Niall was prescribed a few different things that should help him with underling issues the doctors had found which no, were not fatal.

Louis was pacing the waiting room, waiting for Y/N to get out of surgery. I finally stood up, not taking anymore of this, and took Louis' shoulders into my hands.

"Louis, you need to sit down. You"re going to pace yourself dizzy, and we've had enough incidents today. Please, just sit with me." I asked, slowly leading him to the two seat chair I was sitting in before, gaining a nod from him.

"Harry?" Louis spoke, voice prominently strained.

"Yes Lou?"

"Do you think she'll be ok?" he cried, leaning onto my shoulder. I did the same with him as I did with Niall before; I took him into my lap and held onto him as if I'd never let him go.

"I know she's a fighter, and that you believe in her, and we all believe in her, and she will be ok. It just may take longer than desired, but that's not what matters. Right?" I asked, hoping to get him to a point of responding.

"Yeah." he whispered into my neck where his mouth was, moving his head to dry his eyes on my shirt.

Word Count: 1114


Part 2?
it's all up to you i guess. :)
Sorry for any spelling mistakes. i know, i know, i'm terrible at typing so i will eventually go back and fix all mistakes

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