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After police came and arrested Sapnap, George was taken to the hospital and he found out what he already knew: his arm was broke.

He supposed it was better that it was his right arm instead of his left.

"Please, just let me leave," George begged the nurse after a long, sleepless night at the hospital, "I need to go to work."

"No," she replied with a light scolding, "I can't let you leave until the Doctor Philza clears you."

George sighed and slumped back against the hospital mattress. The door to his room slammed open and Clay rushed to his side. The nurse left quietly to give them space.

Clay gently grabbed his jaw and looked him in his eyes and asked quickly, "Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?"

George smiled softly and leaned into Clay's touch. "It's okay, Clay, I'm alright."

Clay visibly relaxed and pulled a chair up next to George's mattress. "What happened?"

George felt comfortable enough around Clay to tell him, so he did. "Sapnap— he kidnapped me and wanted to know where Dream was so he could kill him. I didn't tell him anything and soon enough Dream was there." George paused for a long moment before saying, "I- I don't know why, but he saved me."

Clay took George's hands in his and said softly, "I'm glad he did."

"Maybe he isn't so bad," George muttered. Clay smiled, but George caught a flash of pain in his eyes.

"Are you hurt?" George asked curiously.

"Oh— umm, yeah," Clay said quickly, "it's nothing."

"Let me see, where are you hurt?"

"It's nothing, George, don't worry about it," Clay soothed, but George didn't buy it.

"Clay," George said softly, "show me."

Clay hesitated, but he dropped George's hand and pointed to his side. "It was just a drunk guy at a bar. He managed to land a hit on me, I'm good George, nothing to worry about."


The door to the room opened and a man in white scrubs walked in. He smiled warmly and walked up to George. "How's your arm doing?"

"Good, thanks to you."

The doctor smiled. "Glad to hear it. I'm Doctor Philza, but you can call me Phil. The cast you're wearing will be necessary for around six to eight weeks depending how you heal. You may need to come in once or twice to get it changed depending on how it holds up. Do you understand?"

George nodded. "Yep, can I go to work now? They need me."

"Easy there," Phil said with a chuckle. "I have to warn you that you can't drive with an impaired arm because your driving abilities are now hindered."

"I think I can still—"

"Don't worry Doctor," Clay said with an easy smile, "I can drive him."

Phil nodded approvingly and said, "Alright then, you should be good to go. Call me if you have any further questions."

"Thank you," George said gratefully. He got off the hospital bed and left the room, Clay following behind.

They got in Clay's car and he drove George to the station. Once they were there George told Clay to stay in the car.

"Why can't I come in?" Clay asked, his hand hovering over the door handle.

"You don't work here," George said slowly, "besides most of the things in the case that I work on are classified."

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