The Rules of the Game

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As agreed upon by both parties, signed and dated March 14th, 2017

Rule #1: No Making Things Complicated- this extends to, but is not limited by excluding: feelings, dating, cuddling, sleeping over, work events and/or functions, parties and/or friendly get togethers

Rule #2: Keep In Mind What This Is And Be Certain Of What It Isn't- good friends, good company, great sex, great times, and nothing further.

Rule #3: Sovereign City-State Limits- within the confines of Monaco, everywhere is fair game for hook-ups

Rule #4: Everything Stays Where It Should- between us and behind closed doors because what we do is our business.

Rule #5: Respect The Boundaries- you don't have to know why the line has been drawn there, to know it's not to be crossed, and just like you're not entitled to know the reason you've been asked not to pry any further, to understand why you need to respect their privacy.

Rule #6: No Jet Setting, No Paddock Hopping- no hotels, no invitations, no tickets, no flights, no work events and/or functions, no motorsport, no formal public outings

Rule #7: The 48 Hour Rule- pre-planning is not permitted to any extent prior to the 48 hour window before the subsequent hook-up occurs

Rule #8: Both Of Us Get Off Or The Deeds Not Done- this is pretty simple so if you need to have this one explained to you, you're beyond any hopes of remedying the situation, just remember: it's good for you, it's good for me, or it's not any good you and me.

Rule #9: No Hesitation Policy- ask for what you want when you want it because the worst thing that could happen is you're told no and the best thing that could happen is that you get a little instant gratification.

Rule #10: No Cliche Endings- don't be the dumbass who fucks this up for everyone by falling in love because no one wants that

Rules of the Game • Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now