the first girl

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i wake i am surounded by darkness.when i take my first breathe copper intoxicated my lungs the first thing that came to mind was where am i who am i what am i doing here.

i started to panic. i tried to focus my thoughts on my sourandings i lay on a metle floor i moved my hands around there was dust and rubble all around me i think.

suddenly i felt movement we were going up i started feeling dizzy so i layed back. down there was a bang and a big red light flashed in my face. then there was a crash and these to metle gates opened up.

abruptly a boy jumpt in and unexpectedly flashlights were all around me blinding me i squinted my eyes. i opened my eyes and stood before me was a tall boy with dirty blond hair and peircing blue eyes he was mezmorizing.

all of a suden the boys from above started talking.

what do you see shank.

shank what the hell does that mean i was confused.

what is taking you so long slinthead.

slinthead what the hell are they talking about i was overwhelmed i didnt know what there were talking about.

shut up shanks.

it was the blond boy he is british i could tell his accent was very cute.

its a bloody girl.

whats that supposed to mean i said without thinking.

the blond boy started staring at me he was staring at me for about a minute and a half.

i started getting frustrated i abrutly said what the hell are you looking at.

all at once the blond boy said hi im newt.

where am i what is this place.

we call it the glade thise is where we live alby, will explain more later first lets get you out of here.

he held out his hand i grabbed it and he helped me out.

unexpectedly a man came over he was black and had no hair.

he said to newt hey newt is this the new greenie.

ye it is said newt.

ok i have a meeting know do you think you could show greenie here the roots.

of course alby i will see you later.

newt said ok you ready for the tour yes i say

newt started walking me around the glade he explaned that there 3 rules we have to obey

firstly if your not a runner dont go in the maze

secondly the glade is your home so everyone has to help with looking after it

and thirdly everyone has a job

the jobs are the runners,the cleaners,the people who grow food, the builders,the medical people and the cooks.

it was pretty simple really you just have to follow rules work and thats it.

newt said its time for bed know i will show you were your sleeping.

he took me in a hut and there where to hammoks.

i was confused i thought i would have my own hut.

newt said you have to share with me because everyone has to share with someone and i told alby you could sleep in here.

why would he do that for i thought oh ok i said thats fine i dont mind sharing with you anyway. newt had a sudden cheeky grin on his face. newt got up took of his top and his work boots i was frozen he was mezmorizing he was so attractive i started blushing bright red i quickly turned around and he sais see something you like love.

yes no i said he started laughing he ran other and broke my hammok he said now you have to share with me.

omg that accent i cant get enough of it its so attractive i dont have any clothes yet so i nick one of newt long sleeved shirts and his shorts you look very cute i like that top better on you i cant help but blush i get in newts hammok and snuggle under the blankets newt gets in and the hammok shakes a bit.abrubtly newt put his hand round my waist and pulled me close he turned me around i started to giggly he snuggled his head beetween my neck and i fell into sleep.

i woke to the sun bright in my eyes newt head was in my stomach and he was asleep he looked very cute in his sleep his blond hair was all messy he looked like an angel i decided that i would leave him to sleep for a bit so i just sat there and admired all of his features after about an hour i decide its time to get up newt i say newt i repeated myself mhhhmmmm he finally its time to get up he tightened his grip on my waist and i giggled i went come if you get out of bed i will stay in your hammok forever i wont put mine back up. he let go of me and got out of bed he put on a fresh shirt i put on one of newt grey jumpers and put on my leather pants on from what i was wearing yesterday you ready love i sun around what the hell newt i say you scared the life out of me thats it isay you better start running newt dashed i chased him around the glade then the fun was over we whent to eat some breackfeast newt introduced me to fryingpan the head of the cooksafter we ate i needed see what job im bessed at today im with the builders.

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