A Special Visitor

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Dedicated to AgentofDreams989


Even worse was that when she got to school, she had attempted to hand out the envelopes with the invitations to her birthday party. But her attempts ended in failure, because not one single classmate would take them from her. Instead, every time she came up to a couple of them with the invitations, they would make it a point to turn away from her. Shun her. Pretend as though she wasn't even there.

It was social rejection at its worst — at least from her perspective.


I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm deaf, I'm blind, hey aren't we all?

Don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
In God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me

~Mark Wills, Don't Laugh at Me

Just then, Sienna's mother Summer came into the room. However, she wasn't alone — someone else was with her. 

"Sienna," said her mother, smiling, "there's someone here to see you."

Sienna lifted her head up, and her eyes widened when her mother stepped aside to reveal who it was.

Sienna lifted her head up, and her eyes widened when her mother stepped aside to reveal who it was

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It was none other than... Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz himself.

"Uh... hi" was all Sienna could think of to say.

His azure orbs sparkling, Hawk shot his trademark grin right back at her. "Hello yourself, kiddo." Smiling still, he bowed deeply before bending to her level, reaching over and taking her hand in his. Bending over it, he then turned it over so the back was facing him, brought it to his lips and kissed the ends of her fingers.

Even as he relinquished his grasp on her hand, a small titter of laughter escaped Sienna's throat. She was at a loss for words, but Hawk and her mother could tell by the color rising in her cheeks that she was well-pleased with Hawk's gentlemanly manners.

Smiling still, Hawk reached up and cupped her chin with his left hand before caressing her cheek with the knuckle.

"Uh, Hawk?" Sienna then queried. 

Hawk tilted his head. "Yes, Sienna?"

"I want to ask... how did you know about, well..?" Sienna began to say, but then stopped herself and shrugged, unable to put it into words.

Thankfully, Hawk got the proverbial gist of what she was trying to say. "Let's just say a little bird told me all about it," he replied before turning to Sienna's mother Summer, who nodded. 

"I couldn't resist, honey," she explained to Sienna, her tone apologetic. "He has that dashing charm and aura about him. I felt I had to tell someone about it, and he asked."

Hawk chuckled a little while turning his gaze back to Sienna. "We had a cup of apple cider, she and I," he began by way of explanation. "She mentioned you, and I asked what you were like personality-wise. She said you were sweet and kind at heart, which I took a fancy to. However, she added sadly that while you were turning 8 years old, you didn't have any friends to speak of, and you would be celebrating your birthday with just her. Well, I had to do something about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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