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Okay , so , two new characters from somewhere else are gonna get added . Not from any Bl . Hope , you are okay with it ..?

Author's POV

" Gulfffffff ! We've been waiting.  When the fuck are you coming back ?" Fluke whined into the phone.

" Lol . Fluke... I'll be out for the car by tonight and tomorrow early morning I'll be back in the dorms. How's Mew ?"

" Mew ? Lets ... just say , he's missing you a lot . He wasn't.. he wasn't taking you so seriously then, Gulf . But , now , it seems like you have become the oxygen for him to breathe.  He can't live without you anymore Gulf . I was passing by his room yesterday night , and ... uh .. he was crying , and I would dare say  , I heard some ... 'Gulf , come back ' , murmurs . He .. he misses you a lot , Gulf . I think .. it all started the day you stood up against him . Noone has had the guts ever to stand up against him . He had already fallen for you Gulf , but he was too ignorant to listen to his heart, and now that he finally feels the piece of you missing,  he has become restless. "

" I- Wow ... Fluke .. why don't you become a love guru ? Lol ."

" Hehe . Yeah , right . Lol . BUT GULFIE.. COME BACK FAST NAAA !"

" Ouch,  why the fuck are you planning to murder my ear drums , but yeah . I'm coming back just tomorrow. "

" Please doooo , and .. take care of your Mew . Can you believe it Kanawut ? Mew Suppasit Jongcheevevat has... stopped fucking around. Thanks a lot P'Gulf ... you .. you are the BEST!"

" Hmm .. Ofcourse! I know that,  you didn't need to state the obvious, Fluke ."

" Lol . Sassy much?"

" I was born so ."

" HAHA . Wait ...Ohm is calling me . I think I need to go . Have a safe ride back . Oh , is Mild coming too ?"

" Mild ? Yes Ofcourse,  with that Minta of his ."

" Minta ? Who's she ?"

" Mild's girlfriend lol ."

" What ? I thought he's gay ?"

" Mhm . Even I thought that . But,  lately he's been blushing whenever there's a slight Minta touch on him. God , seems  like his cheeks have been painted red.  Haha ."

" Oh haha— GOD ! OHM I'M COMING . SIT QUIET — sorry . But .. Ohm is—"

" No no . It's okay . Go . You have your own life too , Fluke . Go on , bye . I have to pack too ."

" Awe ! Thanks . Goodbye. Have a safe ride ."

" Yeaa ."


" Gulf .. please.. what are you doing to me ? I .. I can't touch anyone else . I... I can't.. whenever I try to , feels as if I'm betraying you .. why ? Why do I feel such things? Wh—"

" P'Mew ?" A sweet voice interrupted Mew , as he looked up from the ground,  seeing a small figure standing there , smiling at him . Oh god , how much had he missed his smol human being.

His cousin , his cute , sweet cousin .

" Jimin ah !" He stood up and pulled the boy in a bone crushing hug , feeling Jimin hug him back .

Jimin closed his eyes , hugging the man in his arms , but everything got shooken , when he felt wetness in his neck . His eyes widened,  as he broke the hug , and cupped his brother's face . " Phi .. what's.. what's wrong? Why're you crying? Is anything wrong? Who hurt you ? Normally you hurt people , but this time , someone has hurt you . Who is that ?" Jimin asked , his eyebrows scrunched , giving an angry mochi expression.

" J-Jimin ah , I.. I am confused. I really am .. I.. I don't know what t-to do .. I am feeling a foreign feeling I..  I have never felt before ..." Mew cried , holding onto Jimin's shoulders ,  as Jimin looked at him with his eyes.

" What foreign feelings are you talking about phi ?" He asked , now rubbing his tears off .

" I—"

" YO BABE ! I did not come all the way from Korea to Thailand,  just to see my boyfriend hugging someone else ." A new voice interrupted Mew again,  as both Jimin and Mew looked at that direction.

Jimin rolled his eyes , sighing. " Kookie , this man is my cousin . Mew Suppasit , I told you about him , didn't I?" He said , still holding Mew , who was ogling at the new face .

" Who's he ?" Mew asked .

" He is my boyfriend." Jimin informed,  as Mew nodded .

" Hi P'Mew , I am Jeon Jungkook,  Jimin's boyfriend. " Jungkook said , as Mew bowed his head , and smiled at him .

" Jimin ah , your boyfriend might need you now . I think you should go with him ." Mew said , standing up straight from Jimin's arms.

" No ! Jungkook has me by him all throughout the year . He can need me later . But YOU ! I have come here only for two days . We have to go back tomorrow,  phi . But , before going, I'll solve this case , and then go !" Jimin said , having a determined face on .

Mew laughed, and was going to ruffle Jimin's hair , when he noticed that Jungkook was giving him a glare from the side of his eyes , so he laughed and retracted his hand back ,laughing nervously .

Jimin noticed this , and turned to Jungkook and started scolding him . " Baby Kookie... how many times have I said you to not do this ? I understand you are overly overposssessive,  but chill baby ." Jimin said,  as Jungkook pouted . " okay !"

Mew laughed,  as Jimin and Jungkook chuckled.

" Mhm ! Now stop laughing . Phi , tell me about this .. what you are feeling.  We'll help you out ." Jimin said , as Mew nodded .


Do you think Jimin and Jungkook can help Mew realize his feelings?

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