Chapter 9

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The fire was spreading fast and I thought that I wasn't going to get out in time.
That is, until the female human let me out.
"Run!" she said. "I'm trying to get everyone out!"
Run is what I did. I didn't look back, not even once. I was only focused on getting outside.
I heard screaming as I ran towards the door. But I ignored it because my life was on the line right now. Seems kinda selfish but it quite literally was.

When I was outside, I watched in horror as the building burned down. The flames seem to swallow the building as if it were its own prey. I know that that the way that the fire consumed the building is how I used to consume my prey on a daily basis. This is because I never know when the next time I eat will come. Maybe that same night. Maybe two nights or even three nights after. Survival is a game hard to play. One mistake and it could cost you your life.
The female human and other feral children managed to make it out and watched the horrible events unfold.
I saw the female human crying as it burned down. I tried to cheer her up because she saved my life. It was the least that I could do.
"Do...not...cry..." I said. "It...okay..."
"It's not okay!" she wailed. "My life's work is destroyed!"
I didn't really know what else to say after that because I didn't know why she was so upset on the first place. Sure, it seemed like she really cared about it but it didn't seem like an entire lifetime of work was in there.
Was it?

I was more confused than scared at this point. I was even more confused when she said to herself, "Tamara's going to kill me."
"Who...Tamara?" I asked.
"My older sister." she said. "I was going to send you to her but now I have the rest of you with me and I'm not sure where they're going to go."
"" I said.
"That's the problem." she said. "My family is all over the place and my house here is in no way big enough to house the other feral children."
I hate to be admitting this right now but I actually felt...bad for her. Don't get me wrong, I still hated humans but losing your home is something that no one should ever have to go through. I would hate losing my home again because it would mean that my family and I would have to cross the sea again like we had to do when the humans kicked us out of our previous home.
"You...will...think...of...something..." I said, trying to make her feel better about this whole thing.
"Thanks." she said. "I'm glad to hear that at least one of you isn't mad at me."
We all ended up staying at her house because she said that she had come up with an excuse to as why she had all of us with her. From what Bella told me, she (the human) had said that it was for an experiment she was conducting.
Though, that didn't sound too far off from what she told me.

I hate to be admitting this as well, but I have come to enjoy the things that she's been making for us to eat. For example, I was very skeptical about eating these things called pancakes. But then I found that they were made using my favorite berries (Oran berries) and I was hooked on them right away.
"I'm glad to see that you're enjoying them." she said as she gave me another serving of the amazing pancakes. "The others still seem reluctant about eating them."
"Why?" I asked.
"I guess that they don't trust me." she said. "I understand why because I'm basically preventing them from going back to their homes."
"" I asked. "That...really...mean..."
"Were you not listening to me before when I talked to you?" she asked. "I told you that it was for my family's research and my family knows best."
"Not...always..." I said.
"Maybe you're right Fay." she said.
"Pika..." I said with a warning tone in my voice. "Not...Fay..."
"Right." she said like she wasn't really listening to me when I said that. "Anyway, maybe you're statement is correct."
"Right...or...not...right...?" I asked. I wondered why she didn't think I was out of my mind.
"Right." she said smiling. "Listen, can I confess something?"
"What...confess...mean?" I asked.
"Confess means that I tell you something that not very many people, er, humans know." she said. "But you must promise me that you won't tell anyone."
"Why...not?" I asked.
"Because my family will get mad at me if they find out." She said.
"...Why?" I asked.
"Because they just will." She said. "Now, are you going to keep a secret or not?"
"Will...not...tell..." I said. And I meant it.
"Okay." She said. "But come with me to my bedroom so that the others won't hear."
I followed without question, though I was still ready to defend myself because I knew that you can never really fully trust a human.
What's even worse is that she closed the door behind her when we were both in the room. I made my way onto the bed, keeping a view of the window nearby.
"You need to relax." She said. "I'm not going to do anything to hurt you. I would never do that."
"" I said. ""
"I guess that I can understand that." She said. "When you're not raised by humans, I guess that it's hard to trust them."
I nodded, not really knowing how to respond to that.
"Anyway," she said. "I guess that I should start by saying the big secret I was telling you about."
I nodded, letting her know that I was focusing my attention on her and her only.
"My secret is," she said. "That I really hate doing what I do."
"" I asked.
"That's a real good question." she said. "But I guess it's family influence. No wait. It is family influence that got me to do this. If it weren't for the legacy that my family name has to keep up, I would be off being a Pokemon ranger in Unova right now."
"" I asked.

"Honestly, I'm only doing it for the money." she said. "I think that all of us are anyway. Well, except for my brother. He actually wants to continue this and capture feral children from their homes."
"" I asked.
"That's a real good question." she said. "And I don't even know why I told you any of this. It's not like you can do anything about it."
"Still...listen." I said. "" She paused for a few moments, presumably thinking to herself. I have always wondered what goes on inside a human's mind. But another part of me tells me that I don't want to know.
"Yes." she said after a long moment of silence and thinking to herself. "I don't get around to talking to people much. Unless you count my siblings but even then we talk business and nothing else."
"" I said. "Should...interact...with...own...kind...more..."
"I don't really have time for that." she said. "Believe me, I want to more than anything in this world but my family won't allow it."
I did not really know what else to say to this. So there I sat, silence hanging in the air like mist. I wanted for her to speak.

That's what she did. Not immediately, at least. I held my breath until she spoke again and she didn't speak until I was ready to faint because of the lack of air.
"Well, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening." she said. "The other feral children chase me away and hiss at me. You're different but a good kind of different."
"" I said. I did not know whether I should take great offense to this statement or not. I decided to let her continue speaking.
"I suppose that we should figure out how on earth we're going to get you to my sister." she said. "And I have no idea how I"m going to contact her since my laptop was in the building and it's long gone by now."
"" I asked.
"It's really hard to explain." she said. "I think that you should experience for yourself rather than it being explained to you."

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