living in the hood

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Chapter -1

On Friday night my mom & pops went to go get take out food, and my sisters was in the house. It's four of us bananas, Nicole, nitra, and antrell all girls but two of my sisters started to fight I some how was in the middle of it in they turn on me I got kick in the stomach multiple time it hurted so bad my grandma had to call the ambulance I got tooken to the er in ten minutes later I see my mom & pops asking me what happened in I was so weak I couldn't speak. The doctors ran so many test on me they came in told my mom that I had to have surgery my mom scream so loud I started to cry when she look at me she saw the tears running down my cheek she grab my hand that didn't have the iv in it and told me every thing going to be alright she said that they were going to take me in the back in give me some medicine so I can go to sleep I nodded my head so she knows I understand .

It was cold so I ask for a hot blanket in the nurse went to get it in returned a few minutes with the blanket in put it over me she had done told my mom that they were going to take me to the back for the operation my mom grab my hand in Said that she will be right here when I come out of surgery I smile in said thank you

Bananas: I hope my sister OK I didn't meant for her to get hurt we fight all the time but I guess this time her luck ran out she was throwing blows i had to defend myself  she should've listen to me I'm the oldest I miss her already I just hope she OK when mom get home she is going to beat our ass I'm just going to get in the shower I fall asleep before my mom & pops get home

Nicole : I was sitting down on the bar stool  playing with this lighter in the feathers in the vase cault on fire I tried to put it out but it was spreading so fast in I couldn't do any thing that when antrell came out in look at me with her green eye I no she wanted to say I done lost my dam mind so banana came out of the rest room but boody nake she grab antrell in pull Nicole by her hand not realizein that I did not have on clothes my life was more important in my sisters life also so I did not mind .my granny call 911 for the ambulance to come she told us to go inside of the house in we did as told soon aftre we in the house I started to ask Nicole what happened in she said she did not no so I ask antrell she said when  she walk in the kitchen she saw Nicole putting out the fire  so I look at her with the evil eye in she held her head down  all I can say is mom going to whoop y'all ass

Antrell: I no my sister Nicole is going to try in blame the fire on me cause I walk in on her but our oldest sister banana was in the shower so she in the clear just because I'm the youngest don't mean I don't get discipline but I no Nicole will get it the worst  I'm not sweating it but I don't want to get blame for it either I'm going to tell my mom what I saw I told banana but I don't no who side she's on I wish my sister nitra was here I hope she's OK I miss her

Granny: banana, Nicole,antrell get y'all  ass down  here right now what happened ,who started that. Fire
Banana: granny I was in the shower I don't no but antrell said when she walk in the kitchen she saw Nicole trying to put out the fire .Nicole what happened I was flicking the lighter in it didn't do any thing but when I turn around the vase with the feathers was on fire I tried to put it out but it expand I'm sorry granny I no baby but your mom &  pops going to handle you when they get home.


Chapter: 2

Gina: POV:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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