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Friday Afternoon, a perfect sunny day, the Jomies were out at the mall just hanging out after many weeks of Jake rejecting hanging out proposals. After an hour or two of shopping Drew trailed off from his friends, the gang stayed neared Stacy's Mamamia Pizza. Drew decided to head towards the jewelry store, maybe he could buy something for Zoey's upcoming birthday. 

Drew walked in, bags in his hand and the other stayed in his hoodie pocket. He looked up from the ground noticing a familiar figure. Her bright emerald eyes caught Drew's sight. Zoey! He smiled seeing her, but he saw another thing in addition. 

Drew stared awestruck as his first girlfriend clutching the arm of an unknown adult man, kissing him and walking off. He dropped his shopping bags as he pieced together what he saw. That explains the secrets, the lack of money spent, her attitude. He suddenly felt a wave of tears start falling from his eyes as he ran out of the store, his heart shattered. He ran straight to the Pizzeria where his friends stood waiting for him by the entrance. As he approached the tears in his eyes fell to the ground like waterfalls, "I hate this stupid place." The magenta boy said, choking up through tears. His friends rushed to his side asking what happened. "I should've known...I just caught Zoey cheating on me.." I said in between sobs and a tight hug coming from Jake. The boys tried to comfort Drew but failed as the broken hearted boy leaned against the tinted glass of the store by the Pizzeria and just slid down, sitting on the ground hugging his knees not knowing what to do. "Jake why didn't you tell Drew about Zoey having a sugar daddy earlier instead of blackmailing her!?" Henry said aloud, shouting at Jake who now had panic in his chocolate brown eyes. Drew stood up in disbelief as Liam added in an audible whisper that Jake blackmailed Zoey for his music freak club.

"you...WHAT!?" could be heard from Drew as he took a step towards Jake yanking the collar of Jake's jacket and forcefully pulling him closer. "I-I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE SHE WAS GONNA EXPOSE MILLY-" Jake said in response, panicked tone as sweat dropped from his cheek. Drew's grip on Jake's collar grew tighter, "YOU BLACKMAILED ZOEY FOR YOUR MUSIC FREAK CLUB AMD DIDN'T TELL ME SHE WAS CHEATING ON ME!?" He shouted creating a scene as some shoppers began to watch and slowly crowd around the Jomies. "FOR HOW LONG DID YOU EVEN KNOW THIS!?" Drew shouted in Jake's face once more. Henry added,"4 months now" taking steps back grabbing Liam's arm and hiding behind the vampire boy.

Jake's heart was racing before he did the unimaginable and forcefully shoved Drew away, but in the force knocked drew to the floor. Self defense????? Drew stared at Jake, murder in his eyes. He got up, took a single breath and lunged himself at Jake who dodged in retaliation. "I'M SORRY DREW, I JUST COULDN'T TELL YOU FOR MILLY 'S SAKE-" Jake shouted I'm panic. "SHE RIPPED OUT ZOEY'S HAIR!? SHE PUNCHED YOU AND GAVE YOU A BLACK EYE!? AND IT WAS FOR HER SAKE!? " Drew shouted back. "DREW YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH THE CLUB MEANS TO ME" Jake shouted getting pinned against the tinted glass, "You ditched us fir them, you forgot everything we did for you, for them. Pathetic." Drew responded as tears rushed down his face again. Liam held Henry's hand as they both were afraid.

Drew took a step back, watching the tears fall, "I'm going home." He said walking and disappearing into the crowd. Liam and Henry panicked and ran the opposite direction. Jake leaned back, sliding down the tinted window sitting in the same spot drew was earlier. He hugged his knees trying to figure out what he'd done. Monday Arrived, the group broken up. Henry and Liam stuck together as best friends but avoided Jake and Drew to not get in disputes. Drew broke up with Zoey the moment he saw her, his eyes red from how much he had been crying all weekend. Jake walked onto the campus of Alabama High but it didn't feel the same. He walked to the groups usual meet up spot before realizing they weren't around. He walked inside, going through the full halls numbing out the sounds. He walked up to his locker putting his bag inside, before looking at himself in the mirror he out on the inside of the door and seeing a tear fall down his cheek. Regret rained over him.

Jake walked past the music club leaving a note under the door saying he couldn't be at rehearsals today. he walked away to Mrs. Jones homeroom class sitting in his usual seat, heart breaking as he realized drew would be sitting by him and after what happened, his heart wished it hadn't happened at all. The bell rang and students walked into the class. He glared as Zoey and Lia entered, Zoey distraught that a source of money has been RIPPED away from her. Henry and Liam quickly sat down, Henry clutching Liam's arm, unprepared to see Drew. And speaking of the devil the magenta haired boy walks in, looking sleep deprived and sad. He sat down by Jake not taking a single look as his best friend, only staring down at his wood topped desk.

Jake looked down at his desk sighing, feeling guilty. He didn't mean for this to happen, he didn't want it to happen. It was probably the worst thing that happened to their friendship. He felt so bad. Jake took out his notebook and ripped out a sheet of paper. He grabbed a pencil and wrote down a sentence. Jake soon slid the note in Drew's eyesight, quickly moving his hand back to himself leaving the note for him. Drew looked at the note before quickly unfolding it, no eye contact to anyone else. He read it mentally, Drew, can we meet on the rooftop at lunch? Drew scoffed and put the note in his hoodie pocket.

The day passed by slowly, time crept slower and slower as Lunch neared. Drew sighed walking to the rooftop ladder. Jake leaned against the chain gate. Drew went up the ladder, and walked on the rooftop towards the blond haired boy. "What did you want, traitor?" Drew asked crossing his arms a few feet in front of Jake. The peach haired boy sighed," Drew I'm sorry.'

"Tch, sorry for what? Making me look like a fool? Making me waste my money on a liar? I mean it applies to you and Zoey."

"Drew I didn't mean to hurt you like this!!" Jake shouted stomping his foot. Drew flinched,"Then why didn't you tell me about Zoey before Milly went dipshit on her causing you to blackmail her?" Jake looked at the floor ashamed,"I don't know..?" Drew took a large step towards Jake causing Jake to press his back against the chain gate,"Tell me the goddamn truth."

Drew kabedonned Jake, both arms pinned Jake to the gate. Jake's cheeks tinted red,"Drew...Drew I didn't tell you because you seemed so happy that you had a girlfriend. I d-didn't want you to be sad, I just wanted you to be happy.."

"I would've been happy if you had just told me, idiot!" Drew shouted, his face inching closer to Jake's face. "It's not my fault I was trying to get you out of my mind by liking daisy okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Jake said in response.

Drew rolled his eyes,"I'm sorry too.." silence broke before Jake held Drew's hand and pressed his lips against Drew's. Both their heart beats could be heard, Drew needed a second to process what had happened, and quickly kissed back holding both of Jake's hands.

Drew and Jake pulled away from the hug,"I love you Drew.." Drew looked into Jake's chocolate eyes. "I love you too!" The End

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