Hell Continued

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The only sound heard for miles was the alarms of ambulance and police rushing towards the targeted area. 

Stepping on the brakes, the ebony haired police officer briskly got out of his car and shot towards the scene of crime. Flashing red and blue lights greeted him. Sounds of emergency  vehicles and first response officers trying to control the situation.

The Fire of Purification had already fled the scene leaving an ocean of red behind. Through the panic, civilians stood around the caution tape, filming and screaming. The officer ducked underneath the tape, flashing his badge to nearby personnel, he approached a detective with cocoa-coloured skin, black glasses and caramel hair.

"Wright! Do you know anything?"

Wright flinched out of his horror filled stare and looked up at Kashi. "We were too late...again."

"But we were here when it happened. We're catching up to them, and soon we'll be one step in front of them. You don-"

"Look around!" The shorter man interrupted, " People are dead, dying! We NEED to be in front of them now! We can't afford to stay one step behind for any longer! We can't afford to lose more innocent civilians!" 


"When I joined I thought I'd be able to help others, yet we're not doing anything. We're not helping anyone, simply following behind The Purification and cleaning up the corpses." 

Wright finished with a  sigh.

"I...I-i know it's hard.......but we're getting there. Listen Ad- Wright look at where we were two years ago , we've already established their identities and their patterns, to a point." 

Kashi stated, " We're close. Really close. OK?  Wright this will help so many others in the long run."

"You're right, sorry I just..."

"It's fine. But we have a job to do, anything you can tell me? Survivors? Clues?"

Taking a deep breath in Detective Wright put himself together and gave his report. " Yes there's one survivor, A young boy with tan skin and cocoa coloured hair. He hasn't been identified yet but he's currently on his way to the hospital. There are a total of 35 deaths, including what may of been that boy's mother."

"The deaths, anyone of importance?"

"Not that we've seen so far but some still need to be identified. They were all killed the same way, a gunshot to the head or heart. I don't think The Purification was after one person in general."

"You're right they would've left a mark of some sort, still once they all go through autopsy inform me anything new."

Looking up from his report Wright gave made a worrying sound.

"What is it?"

"Kashi. If they weren't looking to assassinate someone specifically, what did they want? What reason could they have for attacking an Ice cream shop?"

"...I don't know Detective. But we'll figure it out"


(With Lance)

"This is the only survivor"

"Yeah, Lance Estrada"

"How old is he?"

"...Today's his birthday, so 5."

"Fuck. Poor kid. For his birthday to become something so traumatic."

Wright sighed, " I know. But there's nothing we can do about it."

"Was his father contacted?"

"Yeah, he  should be here any minute now."

"Alright, lets wait outside the room."

Nodding, Detective Wright followed Officer Kashi out the boys room and into the antiseptic smelling hallways.

The detective stopped and looked towards the hospital bed, taking in the even toned beeping of the heart monitor before looking way and closing the door silently behind him. 

Hardly 5 minutes had passed when multiple rushed footsteps could be heard approaching their destination. Both Detective Wright and Officer Kashi glanced at each other before rising slowly right as a panic streaked man came a round the corner. Their eyes met allowing both the Government workers to take in the tear filled glowing yellow eyes of the man. 

"Mr.Estrada?" The officer asked stepping towards him.

Nodding firmly, the man spoke, "Where's my son? My wife? What Happened?"

From Behind Alastor a childish voice spoke up, "Where's Lance? ¿Dónde está mi hermano?" (Where's my brother?)

Stepping to the side the voice was revealed to belong to a young girl, looking to be 6 or 7 years old, with long light brown hair in two pigtails and a sunflower patterned sleeveless dress.  Standing besides her was another child, a boy who looked 11. His teeth were clenched and he was glaring in their direction. The boy had a curly brown hair covering half his forehead and freckles dotting his nose. 

"Rachel, no hables con exra-." (Rachel, don't talk to stran-)  

"Ambos estén callados." (Both of you be quiet.) Mr.Estrada interrupted glancing down at them quickly.

Clearing his throat, Officer Kashi stepped forwards, "Mr.Estrada I'm Officer Kashi and this is Detective Wright. We were the ones to accompany your son to the hospital."

Detective Wright took a step towards Mr.Estrada, extending his hand to shake.

"Call me Alastor. Now what happened where's my son and wife?" Alastors eyes hardened and he looked at them questioningly, ignoring the offered hand completely.

"The-" Suddenly Wright stopped taking a couple glances between Alastor and his children behind him, the son still glaring. "Is it ok for them to listen?"

"..You're right let us take this down the hall."

They walked further down leaving Officer Kashi with the two children. 

Once there the detective continued, "The Fire of Purification attacked Sunset Plaza today at 12:34 PM there were 35 casualties, among them was one Rosa Estrada. The only survivor was one(1) Lance Estrada."

Alastor was starting to look faint, his skin losing colour at a rapid pace and the glow from his eyes fading. He took a step back rubbing his temple and as he looked back up at them the officer noticed that his eyes were unfocused and dilated. 

Wright took a step closer to Alastor whispering words of comfort, then he softly took the man's hand and placed it on his chest, "It's ok. Everything going to be ok. There you go just like breathe with me. You got this Alastor." 

With a jolt Alastor snapped out of the panic. And with barely a whisper asked,"Thank you....i'm ok now. Where is my son?"

"....Your son is in the room behind us. He's not awake but I can get the doctor to inform you how he is?"

"Yes please. I'll go in now." Alastor started off back up the hallway, approaching Kashi who sat with Rachel and Luis, "Luis, Rachel ahora vamos a ver a tu hermano." (Luis, Rachel we're going to see your brother now.)

"Lance is ok? We can see him?!" 

"It's complicated Rachel but we'll see." Alastor nodded towards the Officer, "Could you get me the doctor please?"

"Of course, he'll be here shortly."

"I appreciate it." With that alastor and Lance's sibling stepped into the hospital room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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