Chapter Four "Unexpected Accident"

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Darkness... That's all he could see right now. There was also a figure which he can't see his face clearly due to the darkness standing in front of him. He was scared, he can't move at all and was forced to look at the figure.

"You can't hide forever" the figure suddenly spoken in a very deep dark voice.

That made him flinched. He just stay silent even though deep inside he wanted to scream for help.

"You can't change the past..." the figure continued.

"You will soon know why you traveled back in time"


[21th June 2020,Monday]
{8:30 a.m.}

"I already had a bad feeling about this..." Socks thought to himself. Everyone was now in the dining room, eating breakfast. Some were still shaken up,some clearly didn't get enough sleep and more.

"Ok,guys" A voice broke the silence.All heads turned to the source of voice and saw the British man stood up from his seat.

"So- we all know what happened last night" Laff started. "That means there is a killer/murderer on the island" "But why would anyone try to kill us!? WE ARE FRIENDLY PEOPLE HERE!" Meme shouted at the last part. Everyone stared at him for a while then Wloof mumbled. "Ask the killer/murderer then..."

Socks noticed how Wloof reacted to Dino's death and it effect him the most since they have became best friends after lot of fights. Everyone in the gang doesn't know how but we're gladly there aren't fighting anymore. Although the whole gang still fight, it is just a play type fight.

"As I was saying... there is a killer/murderer on the island." Laff broke the silence again. "The killer/murderer gotta had a base right?" Everyone nodded in agreement. "I was thinking maybe we should search for the base and maybe we could count as exploring the island too" Laff suggested.

There was a moment of silence before Wloof suddenly shouted. "WHAT!?" Everyone immediately flinched and looked towards Wloof. "You want us to find the killer/murderer's base!? THERE IS A KILLER/MURDERER ON THE ISLAND! HE/SHE COULD JUST ENDED OUR LIVES IF WE GO OUT THERE!" Wloof yelled.

"But we can't just stay in the mansion and do nothing,Wloof. I know your upset of Dino's death but we need to move on!" Laff snapped. "I'M NOT LEAVING THIS MANSION UNTIL THE KILLER/MURDERER IS GONE!" Wloof shot back. "Actually I think Laff had a point here" Tbh suddenly spoke, interrupted their argument.

"B-But what if Wloof is right? The killer/murderer could just kill us without warning outside. The mansion is our only safe place to hide." Nadwe said. "The killer/murderer literally kill Dino in the mansion's pool!" Blaza rolled his eyes. "The pool counts as the outside for me!" Nadwe shot back, talking a little louder.

Socks don't know how this happened but apparently everyone expect him,Joocie and Muffin started arguing in the dining room. If Socks wasn't afraid to accidentally spilt out his 'time travel' secret, he would probably joined the argument too. "ENOUGH!!" Joocie yelled out of the blue.

Without hesitation, the whole gang immediately zipped their mouths. "Ok. Now- both of you had a point." Joocie said,looking at Laff and Wloof. "We can maybe split up into two groups. One group can go outside to find clues about the killer/murderer's base while the other group can stay in the mansion to calm down." Joocie take a deep breath. "Is that okay with you all?" He asked.

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