
11 3 2

Tagged by hyun_jinnie_1 and xlee_zoe_nori >~<

Tagged by hyun_jinnie_1 and xlee_zoe_nori >~<

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1. Nope I don't even like humans at all.
Okay that sounds mean

2. No

3. Leonie (I hate it)

4. Single for ever gays

5. My best friend

6. Right now: History Maker- Dean fujioka
(Is das Intro aus Yuri on Ice)

7. 38% -Damn

8. I have 2

9. Nope, but my annoying big brother is like a best friend to me

10. I think it's Taekook or Taegi

11. To read stories

12. I have 5: 2x Taehyung, Felix, Jimin, a Wolf

13. In June

I'm tagging just a few cuz I'm lazy:


Taggs?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt