Shopping and Potter Manor

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"I'm going to kill him." was the first thing that came out of Aurelia's mouth. She was shaking in rage yet her voice was deathly calm. "No scratch that I'm going to torture him. Torture him till he begs for mercy and even that won't make me stop." The goblin- he revealed his name was Sharptooth- eyed me warily. "Heiress Potter let us proceed to the ritual chamber." 

POV Aurelia

After a painful ritual, I felt refreshed. Sharptooth suggested Potter manor as a living place and handed me the Lady rings for all my houses. The Potter one would act as a portkey to Potter manor. 

I headed outside into the colorful bustle that was Diagon Alley. Making my way to Flourish and Blotts I bought all the first and second year books. Some books on Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures were also added to the pile. Mind Arts for Beginners was a good read as well. I certainly was not going to leave with books on the Old Ways and the Wizangamot.

My last addition was a set of Potions books by S. Snape and a set of Charms books by L. Potter.  Moving to Trunks and Bunks I got a pretty nice one. It was silver and blue with the Potter crest.  I then entered Ollivanders. After trying wand upon wand Ollivander finally gave up. " It seems none of my wands are compatible for you Ms. Potter. The only other wand making shop is Anastasia's wands in Knockturn Alley." Thanking him, I made my way to the shop. "I never thought I would see the day when the Girl-who lived walked into my shop." a woman's voice came floating over from the back of the shop. Anastasia was a young lady in her mid-twenties. Her blue eyes and golden hair made her look like a female version of Apollo. 

"None of Ollivanders wands were compatible for me and besides, I need a wand without the trace." She nodded and beckoned me over to some supplies. "Feel out with your magic and tell me which feels most compatible." 

I closed my eyes did so. My magic jumped free and eventually landed on a few objects. Opening my eyes I put those objects aside. Ana raised an eyebrow "Interesting. Unicorn blood and basilisk venom, both freely given. Willow and cedar wood and thestral tail feather and phoenix feather. This is going to be one powerful wand. And you are going to be one powerful witch. Come back after an hour."

Leaving the Alley, I headed to Madam Maxime's. After ordering a full wardrobe both magical and muggle I hopped on to the stool. Another girl was standing there. " Merry meet. I am Eleanora Longbottom, Heiress to the Noble and Most Ancient house of Fortescue." "Merry meet Heiress Fortescue. I am Aurelia Potter, Lady to the noble and most Ancient house of Potter " I was pleased to see that she merely raised an eyebrow at my status. We made small talk for a while, bonding over our mutual desire to go into Ravenclaw. I exited the shop happy with the knowledge that I had made a friend. 

Going back to Knockturn I found a beautiful wand waiting for me. "That will be fifty galleons Ms. Potter." I handed over eighty galleons and briskly walked away before she could count it. Moving to a deserted spot, I twisted the ring, felt a tug behind my navel , and was soon standing before a majestic manor. The house-elves were teary eyed to see me. Their names were- Tippy, Bimsy, Hoppy, Pippy, Dribby. 

My exhaustion hit me like an avalanche and I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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