6: Help me?...

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                       " Why did you leave? "

It was the next week of school, only 6:47 AM.
The students flooded inside the building. Mondo was still on his way, he could see the school in his sight range.
He really did not want to go, it was always such a bore. Nevertheless he went every day unless he was sick or his mother let him take the day off for mourning his brother Daiya. Random things would cause him to remember what had happened and his last words always lingered in his head

" M...My bad, kid... I fucked up. Sorry. Hey, kid... The rest is up to you. No matter what, you gotta keep the gang together. 'Cuz it's the team...you and me put together. It's...a pr...a promise...between men... "

He blamed himself every single day for what had happened, he was being reckless that night and it costed him his brothers life.

    // 10:57 AM //

Mondo was in history class, he wasn't paying attention and he never was until...
"Owada! Pay attention to the teacher." He heard a voice next to him so he looked over and, of course, it was Ishimaru.
"This shit's boring, I don't want to." He mumbled but it was just loud enough for Ishimaru to hear him. "Suit yourself, I guess you want to fail next weeks test." He sighed and got back to work, Mondo just rolled his eyes and just sat there for a long while until he realized what he said.
' Wait...next weeks test?! Shit, I am going to fail! '
That's when he thought that maybe he should pay attention. As soon as he lost his train of thought, he looked up at the teacher who was reading about the different wars that had happened throughout history. Mondo was totally lost.
"Alright, the bell's about to ring. I say it's time to wrap everything up. Make sure you study for the test!"
He spent the whole lesson spaced out doing absolutely nothing.
The bell rang and all the students grabbed their things and started out the classroom, Mondo did the same. He was looking for where Ishimaru went.
' He was right next to me! Where the fuck did he go?! '
Mondo looked around the classroom at the remaining students but Ishi wasn't there. He ran out the room and found him halfway down the hall.
"How the fuck did he get down there so fast?" He had mumbled to himself as he ran down the hall towards him "Ishimaru! wait!" Mondo yelled to him and he turned around.
"Yes Mondo?"

(cliffhanger brought to you by me.)

" You should've told me earlier..
I could have helped! "

"I miss you, I'm sorry."   An Ishimondo storyWhere stories live. Discover now