ROT!💙🐢||Leo's Favorite Spot

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"Leo~? Don't you have patrol tonight? Besides aren't you uncomfortable there?" You tapped your boyfriend's head from where you were sitting. Your adorable ninja turtle had come barging in your room earlier and straight up demanded his neck pillows.

The way he said it with the most serious face he could muster was absolutely ridiculous that you almost choked on your coffee!

His idea of 'neck pillows' started a couple of months ago during a movie night with the gang every saturday night, as per usual. Tonight, it was Donnie's turn to pick the movie. The couch was already full and Leo, being the gentleturtle that he is, offered his seat on the couch for you while he sat on the floor with his shell slightly leaning on your knees. Half an hour into the movie, you noticed he started nodding off (Honesty you couldn't blame him. Donnie's idea of a movie night consists of either scientific breakthrough documentaries or endless fanboying to Atomic Lass).

You couldn't really move with April and Mikey leaning on both sides (most likely passed out) so you slowly circled your legs over Leo's shoulders so he could lean on something before he smacks his face on the floor. It was then you realized how suggestive it might look. It didn't help that you were wearing shorts that night so your bare legs were touching his skin. You felt him flinched and looked away when he turned his head to look at you. Great. He probably didn't like that. Fuck.

Just as when you were about to remove your legs, Leo actually snuggled into your inner thighs. He sighed comfortably, enjoying your warm plush thighs against his cheek while leaning his weight against you. Meanwhile your face was burning in embarrassment but instead of letting him off, you just decided to caress his head and let him rest. Leo hummed sluggishly, you smiled at that. These guys deserve a break after keeping the city safe all the time. You glanced at the others. Donnie was at the edge of his seat completely zoned in while it seemed like everyone else was knocked out. Great! Seems like most of them won't be able to see you, so you continued to lean back and let yourself fall asleep.

After that faithful night, Leo would the continue to ask and pester you if he could lay his head on your lap or between your thighs whenever he got the chance. Of course you agreed. How can you say no to those puppy dog eyes?

Although after a while, it became a casual thing with you. Leo fell in love with the feeling of his head squished between your thicc thighs. Hence it was now 'his spot'.

Leonardo groaned cuddling your leg tighter like a kid to a teddy bear "Just fifteen more minutes pleeeaassse? I'm sure they'll be fine for a bit. Besides--" He kissed your inner thigh "--how can I possibly be uncomfortable when people are just dying to get in my position?" He wiggled his bonebrows.

Your cheeks flared red and flicked his nose "You cheeky little pervert!" Leo just laughed and bit your inner thigh. You gasped placing your hand on his head as a warning but he didn't stop. Instead he took hold of your leg and started sucking and licking that same spot he bit earlier. "Leo s-stop!" You fought back a moan when he shifted to take another bite just a few inches higher than the first one.

"L-Leo! You've got a m-mission tonight remember?" You tried to reason with him. Leo just hummed sending delicious vibrations through your core. He then pulled away from your now bruised thigh with a 'pop'.

Suddenly you landed back on your bed with an 'oof'. You leaned back on your elbows to see Leo stalking up from the foot of your bed like a predator, placing both hands on your knees to keep them apart. His eyes glowed in mischief while his smile turned sadistic as he slowly gave the side of your a long seductive lick without breaking eye contact.

You couldn't help but moan at the incredible sight "Leonardo! This is no time for teasing!"

The red eared slider gave a low chuckle at your attempts "I love it when you say my name like that." He dove in, moving your shirt upwards to place a quick kiss on your pelvis. You balled your fists on your blanket when his teeth started to slightly pull your pants.

"I think the team could take the night off, dont you~?"

Needless to say, that night he found another reason to love his favorite spot♡.

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