Chapter 16 - The Rising Sun

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When I woke up the next morning, my heart felt so light... as if all the troubles magically faded away. Who am I kidding? I knew the problem was still there but for some reason, I wasn't worrying as much as I did last night. Ken was right. Telling someone about your problems really eases the burden. I'm so glad I toughened myself that day and asked Mr. Grim Reaper to be my friend. If not, I wouldn't have anyone to talk to last night.

A week and a half passed by slowly after that. Slowly because... I was preparing myself for the worst to come. Every single day that passed, I made sure to spend it with my dad, and made sure he felt all the love he deserved. It was the least I could do. If he'd allow me, I wouldn't mind joining him in his last moments. I died before already so I wasn't as scared anymore. Plus, this time, I didn't have any regrets—no more bitterness because I finally knew the real reason why things happened the way they did in my past life. Though deep inside, I still hoped for the best as much as I anticipated the worst.

I also stopped playing Armageddon for the meantime since I used all my spare time for my dad. I left a message for Mr. Grim Reaper though, in case he's worried. I told him that I'll be spending time with dad. I hope he's doing fine, too.

As for Hora and Ken, my two childhood friends, I kept everything a secret from them. Same with my mom and younger brother. Mom had been skeptical as to why I've been trying to defend dad whenever they started fighting. But thanks to my meddling, mom stopped quarrelling with dad. I almost cried that time but I made sure to stop myself or mom would pester us to tell the truth.

Today, it was Monday again, and I prepared myself early so I could go to school earlier than usual. I texted Hora saying I'll go on ahead again—this time, with an emoji so she wouldn't worry. Why was I early? Well, somehow I wanted to feel the morning breeze and see the sun slowly rising from our classroom window. It actually had the perfect spot for viewing the morning sun since the school was elevated and our classroom's in the 5th floor so it was pretty high.

And so, I arrived before dawn at school. The janitors and a few teachers were surprised by my earliness. Nonetheless, they greeted me with a "good morning" and I greeted them back with a smile. Once I'm in the classroom, I quietly sat down on my chair and stared at the beautiful view outside. Watching the sunrise felt like watching my hope rise up within me. Along with that, somehow... my instinct told me that today would be a wonderful day.

And as I said before... my instincts had always been right.

Time passed by and students started arriving. Hora and Ken arrived, too, and we chatted a bit before morning assembly. The day proceeded as usual until lunch time. I was suddenly called by Sir Greg, saying that my dad was waiting for me at the school gates. He sounded urgent so I immediately ran towards the school gate, with my heart thumping so loud in my chest. I was so worried. What could have possibly brought my dad to school in such a hurry that he couldn't wait until the end of classes? Were my instincts wrong? Would my perfect morning be ruined by news I never wanted to hear? I felt tears forming in the corner of my eyes as I ran.

"Dad!" I frantically called him from the gates. He was standing outside, facing our car—the sedan one he always used whenever he went to business meetings. There was a man wearing a black suit beside him. He didn't look familiar. A teardrop escaped my eyes the moment I saw him.

Did it go wrong? Was he here because he wanted to say his goodbye to me? The anxiety was killing me. I wanted answers, and quickly!

My dad turned around when he heard me. He smiled from ear to ear. Was that smile a sign of eternal farewell? No! Please no! I beg you!

My hands and lips trembled from all the fear I felt. I almost shouted at the guard to open the gates faster—he was doing it too slow. As soon as it opened, I ran over to my dad and hugged him tightly. My tears poured out the moment I embraced him.

"Dad!" I cried out. "What happened? Why are you here?" I asked in a single breath. My nose was getting clogged again and I felt my blood rushing onto my face.

"Senara, my dear daughter," dad called me dearly, wiping the tears from my face. Then, he stared into my eyes and said, "Don't cry, it's okay—"

"What do you mean okay?! Nothing's okay!" I rudely interrupted. My eyes quickly peeked over the man that was with him. "W-who is he? I-is he bad? If he's here to take you, then take me with you!"

"What? No!" Dad refused profusely.

"But Dad!"

"My sweet daughter, listen to me first, okay?"

I could see tears from his eyes, too. I shook my head in disagreement.

"No... no... I don't want to hear it, please," I begged him.

My dad probably felt I was so scared that he went back to hugging me. He patted my head and my back to calm me down.

"Senara, don't cry anymore. Everything's okay now."

"Huh?" I was so confused. "Okay? How could it be okay?" Yesterday, I still saw him staring at nothingness again in the garden. Then today, he'd tell me everything's okay? Was he trying to fool me so I wouldn't worry?

Then, he whispered to me in a tone so relieved and thankful.

"The ocean... it took care of the big whales."

My whole world just stopped... the moment I heard that.


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