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"You're not a sportsman, Mr Bond." I take a chip from Nat's bag and rest my head on her shoulder. It was already dark outside and neither of us actually felt like sleeping due to the most of our day already full of sleeping.

"Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python?" Natasha plays along with the Bond film playing. "Because I discovered he had a crush on me." I let out a small chuckle.

"Moonraker one of pre-set launch program." The power suddenly goes off around in our bungalow. 

"Well, fuck you." I mutter, getting up. I walk out to the back where the generator to find an empty petrol can. Walking back in, I give Nat the good new. "So, we need to go on that 20-minute drive..." I say, holding up the empty can.

"Empty?" She asks.

"Yep..." I look down at the floor for a second, I glimpse over at the Budapest box. "We can take this too, get rid of all the junk." She closes the laptop playing the James Bond film and gets off the couch, walking around the couch she picks up the keys to the car. I pick up the box and I walk out.

The radio plays music on in the background in our silent car ride. 

"You know what I said earlier- about thinking of Wanda.." Nat starts. Oh not this. "Do you ever actually think of her or-"

"Yes, I do think of her." I tell her before she can continue. She nods and I see a little smirk on her face. "What?"

"You, thinking of her." She says.

"It was a mutual ending of a relationship." I lie. 

"Sure." She turns back to the road as she goes to turn the corner onto a bridge. Let me just say- I wasn't expecting to get blown up in a car that evening when I was sat next to Nat watching James Bond. But that was what happened. 

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" I begin, the car starts to fall more and more to the edge and I get out the car, rolling onto the floor. I look up and see a figure in some armour. Looked like something Stark would make if I'd ever known the guy. I really shouldn't have left my swords at that bungalow.

"I'm pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here." I hear Natasha say. "And you should know I'm a better shout when I'm pissed off." A round of shots can be seen from the car going towards the armoured figure, but they block it off with some shield they held. Which, they then threw at the car. I take the gun from my back pocket and shoot at the figure, loosing the bullets quickly. I help Natasha out the car and when we look around, it seemed as if we'd lost them. 

That's how it seemed anyways. For a good- three seconds. I turn back to the car and see the figure, now holding their shield again, rather proudly. Nat goes to shoot them and they jump, blocking everyone of her shots as she does so. I go and try to tackle them but they get me onto the floor quickly, using a similar tactic of my own that I'd used. Natasha goes to do the same when I look over, I see them both in a similar fighting stance.

What the hell-

The figure looks over at our car which was still close to tipping over the side. The figure starts to walk towards the car, obviously done with the two of us.

"You're not here for either of us..." Nat says quietly, before running towards the figure, going to try and slice their feet with a knife. I take out one of the hooks and throw it around the figure's foot before sticking it to the top of the bridge. Nat rushes towards one of the boxes and the figure cuts off the line, landing back to the floor. I go and pick up the shield and try to fight back but I'm thrown back with some pretty powerful fighting. Slightly more powerful than me. Slightly. 

Nat goes to fight them off and she turns to me. "The bridge. Jump." She says.

"Are you-" I begin.

"Do it, now." She says, I look off the side of the bridge, furrowing my eyebrows. Nothing special there. I did as I was told, though, and I jumped. I swam in the very, very cold Norwegian water down stream until I came to the end. Nat joined me after a few minutes and we both sit there on the bank for a moment until she takes out some red glowing vials from one of her inside pockets. As if I wasn't confused enough. 

A little bit of paper sticks out from the stack of the vials, pictures of two girls which looked like it was from the middle 90s.

"Oh, shit." Natasha mutters. 

"What?" I ask her.

"We need to get to Budapest." She says.

"Ha- You said Budapest." I say, not actually reading the fact it was important. "Okay- shutting up." I look down at the floor a moment.

"We'll go back to the bungalow and get our stuff. How's the swords through airport security?" She asks.

"Unnoticeable if you do it correctly. Why?" 

"Why do we need to go to Budapest? You do know about our shit history with it, don't you?" I ask her as we walk back.

"We need to meet someone." She says.


"Someone." She says.

"Are they friendly?" I ask her.

"We'll find out." She shrugs as we get back to the bungalow.

"Oh- good. Just as long as we're on the same page." I roll my eyes and pick up a passport before going to get the bag. The bag was packed with money, clothes and the retractable swords which didn't look like swords as long as security didn't look too carefully. See- just like any other holiday maker. 

Natasha did the same, however she couldn't take any of the guns with her. Too bad for her, I guess. 

"This'll be dangerous." Nat says suddenly. I look over at her who was sat on the kitchen counter. "You should stay here." 

"No way." I say. "Dangerous or not." I continue as I walk over to her. "That's not up for discussion. I don't care if there's- a killer robot, or a world organisation shutting down- have I or have I not- always fought beside you?" 

"It's not gonna be easy, whatever it is." Nat says.

I smile. "It never is when you're involved."

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