Chapter 1- Dancing

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Chapter 1- Vampires

I sat up, panting. I had been having that nightmare for the past weeks. I have been recalling that same memory of the night we found out that our parents died for a long time. I just couldn't get it to stop. I didn't tell anyone about my nightmares because I didn't want to worry them. Elena and Jeremy are already depressed as it is and Jenna will think that she's doing a horrible job at looking after us when she's not. Also I know Jeremy's taking drugs which worries me so much. Elena pretends that she's fine but I know she isn't. I know that she's hurting inside more than she lets on. I've always known things like that.

I hopped into the shower and once I was finished I quickly got dressed and did my makeup. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a purple tank top, a white leather jacket and white flats.

My makeup was very simple; mascara, black eyeliner and pink lip gloss. I had dark brown, curly hair up to my waist, hazel brown eyes and a perfect figure. I was an average height of 5'9. Overall I was stunning as boys often described me.

Today was the first day back at school and I already knew what to expect. Elena was going to tell people she was fine and act like she was over our parents death although she won't mean it a single time. Jeremy was going to hang out with his stoner buddies and take drugs. Caroline was going to act like her usuall, bubbly self. Bonnie was going to pick up Elena and try to get her mind off of what happened a few months ago. Finally I was going to act like I was never upset and comfort Elena and -if he lets me- Jeremy. I was going to go to all my classes and go to dance after school.

I grabbed my bag with all my books and equiptment in as well as my dance kit and dashed downstairs. I found Elena and Jeremy alone downstairs, I guess Aunt Jenna already left. I grabbed some coffee and a cereal bar and slowly drank the coffee and ate the cereal bar. When I finished the clock read 7:50 and school started at 8:30 so I still had another 40 minutes. But I had dance before school as well. So I quickly grabbed my stuff and sprinted out, waving a quick goodbye as I left.

I jumped in my black volvo and drove off. As I drove I listened to my faivourite song; A thousand years by Christina Perri. I sang along to it as I drove to school. I was actually a really good singer but I never sang in front anyone before because I was really shy about singing. In fact singing was one of my three faivourite things in the world. The other two were dancing which was my absalute faivourite, then drawing and lastly singing of course.

As I reached Mystic falls high a small smile placed itself on my face. I was where I belonged. Doing dance. There wheren't very many people here. Only the people who had activities before school or were very early. I quickly parked my car and got out. I only had four minutes untill I have to be at practise. I hurried to the dance changing rooms.

Inside there already was my best friends; Rosalie Haven, Mellissa Brooks and Lilly Blaze. We all went by our nicknames that we created for eachover though. We only called eachother by our real names when we were angry. My nickname was Ice, Rosalie's was Ali, Mellissa's was Elli and Lilly's was Cookie.

I was nicknamed Ice because apperently I was like it in the way that I hid my pain although to them I was see through. Rosalie was Ali because she once came back from a holiday in Malibu and carried on talking about it so we started calling her Mali Ali and then shortened it to Ali. Melissa was Eli just because it sounded so cute on her as well as because she and Ali were so much like twins in their personalities. Lastly, Lilly was Cookie because she loved cookies. The first time we came round hers she was eating cookie dough ice-cream and was going on about how much she loved cookies.

Ali had red curly hair that whent just below her shoulders and emerald green eyes. She was around 5'3 and the shortest of us so we always teased her about it. She was fun, loving, carefree, bubbly and the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She was the most confident out of all of us. It was hard to say no to her if she asked you to do something for her so most people happily did anything she asked although she never took advantange of that.

Eli had shoulder lengh pale blond -almost white- hair. Her eyes were greyish blue and always had a sparkle to them when she was really happy. Her heigh was a little below average; 5'4. Like Ali, she was fun, loving, brave and sweet but she also had a really bad temper. She was the one who could always make you feel better even if someone just died. It was impossible not to me happy in her presense.

However Elissa was completely different. She had honey blond hair, chocolate brown eyes and was 6'0 and the tallest in our group. Her personality was completly different to Ali and Eli's. Instead of being carefree she was the most serious of us. She however was also very caring and kind. She was the smartest out of all of us and could solve any huge problem in under a minute while everyone eilse was still figuring out how to start it.

Cookie was the closest to me. We were like sisters (no offense to Elena). She had black hair and turqoise eyes and she was an average height of 5'7. She was sweet, caring, a little shy, she put others first and liked to hide her pain. She was the strongest in the group. The reason for that was because she did martial arts every saterday which I sometimes went along to. In a fight she relied on her strengh instead of anything else.

Lastly, I was the most flexible of us. I could also fight very well because my parents had wanted me to be a vampire hunter so they taught me to fight vampires. You probably think I'm crazy but vampires do exist. I once even killed one. Although I'm not that against them, just the bad ones. My parents made me a great vampire hunter. Also they told me that only a few 

vampires are good but there are vampires out there who don't harm humans. Ali, Elli and Cookie knew about the supernateral including vampires too because I could never keep a secret from them. They were fine with me being a vampire hunter.

All of us together were known as the golden four. We basically rulled the school. All the boys wanted us and all the girls wanted to be us. If you were invited to sit with us then you'd be the talk of the school. Everyone knew our names and if you hadn't heard of us you would soon. The only people who didn't know us was new people but that lasted only a few minutes, an hour at the most. We were the most popular people at the school.

I waved to them and whent to the bench they were sitting at and sat next to Cookie.

"Hey. It's great to see you. I still can't believe you came to dance camp in the summer holidays with all that's going on." She said. I shrugged.

"I wanted to be normal. If I didn't come then Elena and Jer would be even more depressed anyway." I replied. I got my kit out and changed into a black leotard, pink tights and pink dance shoes. I also put my hair into a tight bun. This was what we usually wore unless it was a contest or show.

"Hey Elli, where's Sophie?" I asked. Sophie was one of the other dancers and a good friend.

"I think she's already in the studio." she replied. I nodded and waited for Ali to finish changing. When she did we all walked to the studio. It was a massive space. That was because we often had to work seperately so we needed a lot of space to move. There was ten of us all together since not many people were interested in this. There was: Me, Cookie, Elli, Ali, Sophie, Amanda, Claire, Tori, Katy and Loren. Our teacher, Miss Flore walked into the studio.

"Ok everyone. Start warming up!" She shouted. We immediately all whent to the bars at the sides of the room where we warmed up. Me and Cookie shared a bar and started doing arabesques. Then we did a few other balances. When we were finished we streched out our legs as well as doing a few poses. Miss Flore came over to us and inspected us. She nodded and whent over to Sophie, Amanda and Clair to see how they were doing. This was what she usually did. She never critizised or complemented us, just watched. This was because she didn't want to interfier and wanted us to make our own mistakes so we could learn from them and improve. She wasn't strict however she wasn't that nice either. She was ok though.

All we did for the rest of the lesson was recap on some balance techniques and other things we did in the summer. After we were finished we quickly changed back into our normal clothes and left the studio just in time for the bell.

"Alright guys, see you in class." I told Elli and Ali who both had English while me and Cookie had History with my sister and Bonnie.

"Bye!" They called in unison before we parted. Me and Cookie slowly walked to Mr. Tanners classroom dreading what he had in store for this lesson


*thanks for reading*

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