Chapter Three - Slate

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As I walked into Patty's Bar, I let out a breath trying to release the tension in my shoulders. My first week back at work had been rough and I was excited to get drinks with Ethan now that it was over.

We had arrived around the same time and walked through the doors together. I sat down on the first stool and Ethan sat beside me. The sound of the music playing, and the rowdy bar crowd encircled me.

I flagged down the bartender I had been friends with in high school, "Hey Devon, can we have two beers?"

"Your sister and her friend are in that corner drunk off their asses, I'm cutting them off. Do you want me to call a cab, or can you handle it?"

My protective instincts immediately took hold of me and I could see the same look in Ethan's eyes.

"We've got it." I stated

Ethan and I looked at each other, he was the one person in this town who I had told about Olivia back in high school. He had known why I had left, just like how I knew right now that I would not be the one taking my sister home and making sure she was safe. It seemed to me that someone else had taken that job in my absence, I could see it anytime Ethan was around Mackenzie that he had real feelings for her, and I knew now that he would never hurt her. With that thought I gave him a slight nod and we got off our bar stools to go over to the corner booth.

When we got over to the corner Mackenzie and Olivia's expressions brightened at the sight of us.

"Slate!" Olivia exclaimed, rushing out of her seat to jump on me. She jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me circling her hands around my neck. I stumbled back a little at the unexpected force before steadying myself. She put her head on my shoulder and literally inhaled me. She was obviously very drunk if she was doing this after the conversation we had last week.

Ethan was trying to get Mackenzie to leave, but she was too busy sucking up the last of her margarita to pay attention to him. Then she gave him a flirty smile and I figured he had a handle on it.

"You good for me to take her home?" I asked, wanting to get Olivia back at home and out of my arms. As much as I loved the feeling of her tits pushing up against my chest, I wanted her drunk ass home and away from any of the guys at the bar. My protectiveness of her was completely overriding any of the anger I had for her.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll get her home safe." Ethan replied confidently, he was completely aware of the trust I was putting in him right then.

I tried to lower Olivia to the ground but her grip on me only tightened.

"Olivia, can I put you down?"

"No," She whined like a toddler and tightened her legs around me brushing up against me even more.

Ok, I guess I was carrying her, either way I needed to get out of here.

I walked the short path out of the door and Olivia shifted on me causing my cock to harden in my jeans. She needed to stop squirming now. I went from planning to avoid her to having her rubbing up against my dick.

I think she felt my shaft hardening because she squealed in delight and as the door shut behind us and I felt the cold night air she started to press kisses from the base of my throat up to my ear.

"Olivia," I growled in warning as I continued walking to my truck.

"Yes?" She took her mouth off my neck and looked up at me innocently. Her green eyes shining up at me with a mischievous light.


"No, thanks." She stated simply before leaning in to nip my earlobe.

My breath hitched and I thanked god that I had finally reached my truck. I opened the door as she started to suck on my neck again and the sensation went straight to my dick. I pried her off of me and lifted her into the truck.

"You're no fun," She huffed in frustration, I put her seat belt on and shut the door without a word. I quickly walked around to the other side. I got in and quickly started the engine.

"Oh, are you taking me home so we can continue?" She looked up at me through her eyelashes with a seductive smile.

My cock was straining at my zipper even more now than I thought possible. But, still it wasn't hard for me to say, "No, I'm taking you home and you are going to get in your bed, alone, and go to sleep."

"Why? You should join me; you always were so good in bed."

The reference to what had happened between us in high school shot right to my heart. I had been her first and the night she had trusted me to do that was when I realized I loved her. Trust was hard for Olivia because she had seen her perfect dad change overnight into an abusive drunk. But, for some unknown reason she had placed a ton in me since I had met her and even though I hated what she did to me that fact had always made me secretly proud.

I stayed completely silent for the rest of the car ride and it seemed like Olivia had given up on her flirting for the moment. Maybe it had something to do with me clearly brooding in my seat next to her.

Luckily, the drive to her house was quickly over and soon I was helping her out of the truck. The next thing I knew her small body had somehow pinned me against the side of the truck, she reached up and placed her mouth over mine.

Shock made me stay completely still as her soft lips caressed mine. She slipped her tongue into my mouth and my body snapped out of the daze it was in. I could not stop myself as I licked and nipped at her bottom lip, our kiss turning from soft to hungry. She moaned into my mouth, the sound shot through me and I was reminded that she was drunk. She was drunk and I was supposed to be staying away from her. With that thought I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her off me. She tried to go for my mouth once again whining at me pulling away.

I put an arm around her shoulder and one under her knees picking up her small frame. My face turned stormy as I carried into her house. I put her down on her bed and she tried to pull me in with her, she was relentless.

"Goodnight, Olivia."

"Don't leave me again," She mumbled before she fell asleep. Hurt sounded in her voice and I even felt a little bad before the anger streaked through me once again. She didn't have the right to say that to me.

I would always care for her, but her betrayal was something I would never get over. When the love of your life hurt you, it created an emptiness that could never be repaired, a piece of yourself that would be missing until they came back to you. But she would never come back to me, that emptiness would never be repaired. It was a constant ache I had learned to live with.

There were a lot of things I had learned to live with.

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