Sex Ed: Girls vs Boys

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*Sex Ed with the girls*

Chloe: You're not a woman until you get blood on all your favorite pants

Marinette: What about trans women?

Chloe: I never said it had to be your own

Alix: Sweet. Murder.

Mylene: Alix, no.

Juleka: Alix yes

Rose: Juleka!

Marinette, trying to wrestle an extremely sharp pencil out of Alix's hands: Alix! Put it down! We're not murdering anyone!

Alya: *enjoying the chaos* But how is she supposed to be a woman if she doesn't have blood on all her favorite pants?

Marinette: *glares at her murderously*

Alix: Yeah, Marinette! How am I supposed to be a strong, independent woman if I don't murder somebody?

Marinette: Oh, I dont know... By BeInG sTrOnG aNd InDePeNdEnT?!?

Sabrina, in the corner: What is life?

*Sex Ed with the boys*

Kim: You're not a man until you get semen on all your favorite pants

Ivan: What about trans men?

Kim: I never said it has to be your own ;)

Adrien: What does that even mean?

Max: Well, when two men love each other very much-

Nino: *covers Adrien's ears with his hands* NoPe. We are not ruining the sunshine child!

Luka: Good thing you didn't invite him over to the houseboat last night, huh love ;)

Nino, blushing furiously: LUKA!

Nathaniel: *laughing his ass off in the corner of the room*

Adrien: I'm still confused
Yes, I have weird ships.

Also, tell me if I used some words wrong. Because I don't... know words sometimes...🤷‍♂️

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