Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes: The Musical

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"Come on, Rookie." I laugh as we walking towards our Captain. Our Captain didn't like me all that much, but I was experienced, so he had to deal with me. As we approach, I see him talking into a walkie talkie. "...Not wasting my best men on a-"

"Reporting for duty, sir! Captain? Sir captain!" Rookie says. "Hello, Captain." I say calmly. He grins slightly, and speaks into the walkie. "Roger that. I'm sending two in! Hey, Rookie, you ready for your first assignment?" He asks. We nod, and get the location. I enter the room first, and my eyes widen.

"Oh, crap..." Rookie says. "Uh, mission control? I have a highly irregular explosive I could use a hand with. Does anybody copy?" I ask into the walkie. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Hotshot asks. "Hotshot! We've got a bomb here to diffuse, but they never covered whatever kind this is..." I say, looking at the bomb.

"Just stay cool, champ! You're in good hands, I promise. I'll be with you every step of the way! We'll get you both out of there safely. Deal?" He asks. I make eye-contact with Rookie as we both speak. "Deal." "Walk me through the basics. Give me everything you got. Is it angular? Rectangular? We only got one shot." He asks. "It's a metal plated box sixty centimeters long-" Rookie starts.

"Kid, the devil's in the details, so don't get the details wrong." Hotshot replies. "There's a timer in the center, and three buttons to the right labeled Echo, Bravo, Tango with a tiny amber light." Rookie says. "If the Bravo's in the middle, and the Tango's to the port, hold down Echo seven seconds, and then give me a report." He says.

"Something is wrong and the bomb's still tickin'." I say. "Seems to me like the plot has thickened..." Hotshot replies. "Mission control, we could use a code..." Rookie says. "Well, just keep talking and no one will explode!" He replies.  "Thanks for the encouragement, Hotshot!" I say sarcastically. "We're dealing with a boomer here, kid. You wanna die playing pretend or keeping it real?" He asks. "I don't want to die, period!" We both say. "Great! Keep that optimism!" He replies.

"Reach inside the side compartment, pull the lever, vent the vapor, then fill out the crossword puzzle on page 5 of Sunday's paper. Once you finish, you'll initiate a reset protocol in the form of a Sudoku puzzle that you'll need to solve." He says as we both follow what he says as quickly as possible. "Copy that, but the puzzle's blocked by a CAPTCHA code and it's combo locked." Rookie says. "Sounds like we're playing on Expert Mode, so just keep talking and no one will explode!" He says.

"Be careful, Rookie. We will disarm this bomb." I say. "Now listen carefully, Y/N. One mistake, and I'll be talking to myself. I need you to yank the battery." He says. "Uhh... What battery?" I ask, looking around the bomb. "You're kidding..." He says. Rookie and I exchange a very worried glance.

"Guess we're doing this the hard way! There's an image in the corner. Cross your eyes and hold it near. If you back away and focus, something 3D should appear." He instructs. "It's an alligator!" Rookie says. "Try again." Hotshot sighs. "A dolphin?" I ask. "Come on, kid! Focus!" He says. "Santa with a trombone?" We both ask.

"...Sure, we'll go with that. Now open up the lower tray, and take the Scrabble letters, 'cause you'll need to spell a word with them that's fifty points or better. Once you have the panel open, do the Rubik's Cube inside. Better move a little quicker, or I'll tell them all you died." He says. Rookie and I quickly follow his orders as the timer keeps counting down. My heart races as I recognize this bomb as a Code 52.

"We've uncovered several wires colored purple, red, and yellow." Rookie says. "If the yellow's in the middle, kill off Raph and Donatello, but if two are slightly salmon, or the yellow's kind of green, snip whichever wire's higher, and the wires in between." He says. "Uh... What?" Rookie asks. "You know what? Actually just... Yeah, cut them." He says. "All of them?" I confirm. "That's right." He says. I smile as the timer stops, and pick up the bomb.

"Let's go meet Captain." I say. Rookie nods, grinning as we walk up to our Captain. "Captain to Command, I'd like to report two officers down in exactly 3, 2-" "Hey, Captain!" We both say. "What are you doing here?!" He asks. "We got your bomb for you." I say, holding it up. "No way! This is supposed to be a code fifty freaking two! Not even our best agents can disarm these!" He says. "Well, your best agent and their understudy just did." I say, taking the bomb with me as I get into the bomb squad car.

"Let's go show Hotshot what this bomb looks like, his lunch break should be able now." I say, smiling and making sure the bomb's "on switch" is deactivated. "Hey... Y/N, how do you know Hotshot?" He asks. "We worked together for a while. He trained me into who I am today... Now, come on. Hotshot is waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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