Chapter Eleven

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TIME FOR A DAY WITH EREN, MIKASA, AND ARMIN! Gosh I love writing! I need to stop!
Three updates in one day? I should have saved it for tomorrow, but I have so many plans for future books...
There may not be an update tomorrow, then. That's the only way.
What am I talking about? There'll probably be an update tomorrow anyways.
Sorry, I'm delirious from little sleep.
Thank you for 6,000 reads with 1,000 readers!
WARNING for suggestive content. VERY Suggestive content. No worse than what is already in this book.

Tell me how you're sleeping easy...

Eren woke up, wincing. Sleeping on the hard ground wasn't exactly fun, but he couldn't return to his home any time soon. The cops had swarmed around his house hours after he had attempted to forcibly take his sweetheart. His folks had been kind but apologetic to the police.
They didn't believe their precious son had done that to an innocent girl.

As far as they knew, Eren wasn't even that interested in girls yet, much less obsessed with one.
"My sweet boy, attack a girl?" Eren's mother gasped. "I think you've got the wrong Eren."
Eren's father had demanded that the cops leave, outraged and stubbornly protesting his son's innocence.

Sorry, Dad, it's true. Eren smirked. He loved his parents, but he had resolved long ago that if they got in his way, he would kill them.

Not that he had to any time soon.

He'd be taking his sweetheart and running away with her. He had chosen to assault her AFTER he had gotten his driver's license. Not that NOT having a license would stop him from hotwiring a car and driving it around.

Right now, he lived in a dark alleyway. Alone.

Left with his thoughts of his precious (Y/N).

Eren fished around in the garbage can of the buffet he lived near. It was a disgusting way to live, but using the money he had stolen from his parents was out of the option until (Y/N) came along. Then, they would be able to use the thousands he had procured from his richer parents to buy a house in another country.

He knew you liked (Favorite Country) a lot, thanks to his ex-friend Armin. Ex because, he assumed, he had lost all of his friends with his latest stunt.

He shoved a piece of pie in his mouth. Not the healthiest, but delicious. He'd heard from Sasha (Y/N)'s cooking was stupendous. Maybe he'd have to try it sometime.

He could picture her smiling self cooking for him and their kids. They'd have maybe two or three kids...Hopefully a boy and a girl...Yes, that would be perfect.

Unless of course, she wanted more kids. Then he could have more. He'd sure as heck have fun trying.

Eren lay in his makeshift bed (some ratty clothing) and fell asleep. His mind was plagued with dreams about her.

Memories. When he'd first met her at lunch, when he'd made a fool of himself by being weird. Each day you spent with him...That party where he'd come so close...

Ah~ His breath came out in short gasps. He rolled from side to side, thrashing wildly. Then, silence and calm. 

He woke up and swore. Well, there went his makeshift blanket. It was soaked in sweat and...other things...

He wanted her so badly. Every inch of his body ached to squeeze her hips and watch her struggle as he told her exactly what he planned to do with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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