⁶ it was 8 in the morning when trisy woke up rumbling remembering that diahhria wake itching his buttole and he ran to his kitchen leaving a trial of diahhria behind. He grabbed his pepto bismol while doing the salsa dance. He called mia and asked her if she wants to go to movie night!! She happily agreed and then after he got ready. He went to the theater and mia was there they walked into the movie theater and then nixie walked in and she got jealous she started to run to then but then all of a sudden she slipped on trists leftover diahhria. Trist started to blow but the medicine made it go away. Get all ofna sudden trist turned into rock man and started to rock on! After that mia turned into superman and grabbed sonix.exe from the stage after the nice movie they went home and then trist got consumed.