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⚠️TW: suicide⚠️

I sit in the waiting room chair as my entire body shakes with fear and terror. Haley is outside calling the guys and family.

I haven't moved in hours. I've been uncontrollably shaking as tears flow down my face. I would never wish what I saw on anyone. Not even my worst enemy. It's just not fair.

Very slowly, I close my eyes.

All I can see is him lying there.


I start to bang on the door with my fist, "EDWIN! IT'S ME! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!"

Once again, there is no answer at all.

I step back and I start to slam my body into the door. "Haley! Call an ambulance! NOW!"

As hard as I can I slam my body into the door again. The door busts open and I see him lying there with two empty pill bottles next to him.

I fall to the ground and I start to scream as loud as ever. Haley runs to the door and instantly starts crying as she sees Edwin laying there so helpless.

"Oh my gosh!" She yells.

I pull his face into my lap and I start to smack it super hard. What else am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to wake him up, but he's not moving. There is no sign of movement at all.

My tears fall onto his perfect face as I smack him as hard as ever. "EDWIN!" I scream. "WAKE UP!"

There are no signs of movement though.

I look up at Haley, "Are they on their way?"

"Yes," she says. "They said two minutes."

I look back down at him. I start to scream and rock back and forth, "Edwin, please! You can't die! You can't do this to me!

"How many did he take?" Haley asks.

I look at the bottles to see both bottles completely empty. I don't know how many pills were in each bottle though. I'm guessing there was a lot.

"They are all gone," I cry. "Do you have any idea how long it's been?"

"Maybe fifteen minutes."


"Nicole, what?!"

"My best friend back in high school took pills and it killed her in five minutes. It's been too long!"

I slam my fist on the ground and I start to smack his pale face again. "YOU CAN'T DIE!"

Haley walks away for a few seconds and then quickly comes back with three men.


[Flashback over]

The seat next to me sinks down.


"They are coming," she whispers.

I don't move or say anything.

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