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1)How did you discover Wattpad?
I used to be on this website called Quizilla, it got bad really fast; I remember someone saying that there was a better writing website called Wattpad so I thought I'd give it a try. I fell in love

2)When did you join Wattpad?
I joined wattpad in um October 2012, just writing bits here and there. I wasn't fully active until about January 2013.

3)How often are you online?
I used to be online pretty much (collectively)12 - 16 hours a day 7 days a week XD But now I come on browse for like 20 minutes and leave.

4)What or who inspires you to write?
I've read so many books and so many poems I am in love with the way their stories are told to me. There was never that one author/poet that made me fall in love with writing - I've just always admired it.

5)Do you experience writer's block?
Do I?! I seem to be experiencing writer's block much more frequently now. Maybe because of added stress from exams, but yeah I experience it.

6)Who are your favorite author's/what are your favorite books?(Anything Wattpad is accepted)
There's this poem book called "Words of some Injured Fingers" and it's by Bandaged_Fingers which I absolutely love and I recommend it, it's not really a popular book but it's awesome. Outside wattpad though, it always changes (when I was 10 I was in love with Jacqueline Wilson's and Cathy Cassidy's books) now though it's Stephen King. But my favourite book is Halo by Zizou Corder.

7)Where do you usually write?
I write at home, in my bedroom alone

8)Do you listen to music while writing?
I love listening to music while writing, it takes me to a place and I write about that place.

9)What are your hobbies?
I don't actually do much... I read, listen to music and write

10)Do you see writing as a career?
Yeah but for me it'd be like my side job if that makes sense

11)Are you happy with how your book/books have been doing?
I kind of am happy with my books, they've made it so far bad well people seem to like them

12)Should there be a new category for books on Wattpad, if so then what?
Hmm well I guess dystopia should be a topic of its own and they could add better subcategories for example boyxboy would come under romance but that would be an actual subcategory.

13)Any advice for new writers?
Write what you personally would read. Read over your work as if it's not your own work and think, do you like it? If not, why? Don't be scared to ask for help. Be original! Update as regularly as you possibly can and good luck ^^

14)Out of 5 stars how would you rate Wattpad?
4/5 maybe 3.5/5 Wattpad is starting to really bug me now

15)Why should people check out your work?
People should read my work because it'll make you feel. I believe most of you may be able to connect to it.

16)Anything else?

Thank you for taking part of this interview PyschoCookieMonster. This writer is truly a unique little cookie & is very skillful in writing. I think people will be seeing more from her very soon. That's a wrap everyone. If you want to do an interview with me(which is fucking shocking honestly) just hit me up & we'll get it going. Till next time I'm MrSelfSuccess, & hey, stay successful.

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