Before Reading

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This is a book that I decided to write for 2 reasons:

1) I LOVE Cobra Kai

2) I wanted to tell this story- my story.

Most of my fanfictions have some aspect of me in them, but this book goes a step further. Most of the things in this book are based on real life things that happened to me/that I did. Some do have a fictional twist to them, whether that be a better ending to a part or adding some embellishments to make it a better story. But for the most part, this is my high school experience.

As I was writing it, it became kind of therapeutic for me, and I realized how much I wanted to share this story. I hope that there are things you can relate to, learn from, and just genuinely enjoy. If you ever have specific questions about something I write about or want to know if a certain part is real, feel free to ask and most likely I will tell you. I will say that most of the season 1 stuff is 98% accurate to what actually happened to me, the following seasons are slightly more Fanfiction, but hey, it's fiction right?

I also want to disclose that probably my favorite Cobra Kai fanfic I have read is by bloominglily417 called In My Blood and it is just so well done (highly recommended you go read it if you haven't already). That being said, I know I have been influenced by her writing while writing myself, so there will likely be some similarities. One thing I more directly did use that is 100% bloominglily417 idea is calling Demetri a "beanpole". It's literally perfection and I had to use it. I also know I describe Eli's eyes as looking past the OC so he doesn't have to look them directly in the eye, which is something bloominglily417 does as well and honestly am not positive if that is where I got the idea from, but it wouldn't surprise me. Those are the only two that I know of, but like I said there may be other similarities. And if you like this book, go check out bloominglily417 cause you'll probably like it too!

I hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts and reactions


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